Distribution of Stock Sale
Unless the NJ Partnership law changes it will become
necessary at some future time to sell a portion of our
portfolio in order to avoid reaching a $60,000 valuation.

In what proportion are the proceeds distributed and is it
available through Bivio or is this done off line?

I am assuming that it is done in direct proportion the % of
units owned.

Ray Marchand

You're talking about partial withdrawals, which can be done right in
bivio. As to how much each partner should withdraw, that is a question
for your club to decide. You could do it proportionately, as you say.
Alternatively, you could ask for 'volunteers', distribute those amounts,
and do the rest proportionately.

Don't forget that you can use stock for the partial withdrawals, but
don't forget also that this takes a lot of study, because, unlike full
withdrawals, partial withdrawals made with stock can lead to unfortunate
and unexpected results if not planned carefully.\
