Club Data
Noted tool for exporting club data.

Under what conditions would it be necessary to restore data?

Ray Marchand
Ray Marchand writes:
> Noted tool for exporting club data.
> Under what conditions would it be necessary to restore data?

Never. :-) Really.

For the longest time, we didn't have an interactive "import" interface
for our club export. People could mail to get their
data re-imported, but no one ever did! We added the interactive
import feature, because it seemed like the right thing to do, and it
allows folks on the outside to play around with bivio more easily.

There are several reasons why you might need backups, and I'd like to
talk about each one:

1) You need the data for the IRS. However, the IRS isn't going to
   want electronic data, they'll want printouts. We highly recommend
   printing out your returns and yearly reports at the end of every
   tax year and storing them somewhere safe.

2) You accidently delete something. We get emails like this all the
   time. Our standby database has saved our customers weeks of work
   from this "woops" factor. One of the neat things about our standby
   database is that we backup your data automatically every hour, but
   we don't apply those updates until 24 hours later. This allows us
   to restore club data accidently deleted if you contact us within 24
   hours. We haven't encountered a single club that ran a backup and
   then accidently deleted their data. That's why at bivio, we do it
   for you.

3) You want to try something out and go back. This is what a few
   folks do with bivio who like to play around with accounting. It
   lets them try out accounting ideas. The vast majority of users can
   simply go to their Demo Club, and try out the idea. Alternatively,
   they simply can enter the transaction see what happens and either
   edit it or delete it. Our automatic auditor fixes everything up.
   It's that easy.

We think backups are great. We backup your data every hour to a
location that's about 50 miles away. We backup our standby database
nightly to tape. Those tapes are taken to yet another location a
couple of times a week. That's how we have been protecting bivio's
data for many years now. That's one of the major reasons we run bivio
as a web service so we can provide this "invisible" service so you
don't have to worry about your data.
