Dividend Paid in 2007 But Posted in 2008
CNI paid a $10.82 dividend on 12/31/07. Broker posted the
transaction on 1/2/08. Because the transaction appeared on
our January 2008 statement from the broker, I entered the
transaction date in bivio as 1/02/08. As a result, our 1099
from TDA does not reconcile with our 1065 from bivio! (The
difference is $10.82)

Is the easiest way to correct the problem to change the
bivio entry from 1/2/08 to 12/31/07?


Bob Hooper
New Pueblo Investment Club
Tucson, AZ
Is the easiest way to correct the problem to change the
bivio entry from 1/2/08 to 12/31/07?


Rip West
Saint Paul, MN