club_cafe: New AccountSync Brokerages
I vote for Muriel Siebert- she was the first woman to buy and hold a seat on the NYSE. We do all our buy/sells online($14.95), and they do offer full brokerage options if you wish to pay for them. Our club holds the account- for ...
1 message
Merrill Lynch
Our club is currently using Merrill Lynch as our broker. We would like to use the Account Sync option. Is it possible? Thanks
2 messages
Problem - Member Withdrawal
I'm getting my knickers into a twist making a full cash withdrawal of a member. I thought I was correctly following the instructions in the One Minute Treasurer, but 1. I setup an account named "Member Withdrawal" 2. I clicked "Member Withdraw", selected the member ...
7 messages
Treasurer's Fee
Our club monthly fee per member is $50. Prior to our converting to Bivio the fee equaled one share. Now that we are convering to Bivio and will be using the unit accounting system, how can we manage this process within the system to provide ...
4 messages
Firstrade brokerage
Hello all, Has anybody else had a difficult time working with Firstrade? My club is trying to transfer some stock positions from our Scottrade account to them to take advantage of dividend reinvestment. I am summarily unimpressed with their customer service to this point. I ...
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You're Invited to a Webinar. Join Us for Club Accounting-An Orientation for All Club Members
Hello Everyone, Just a note that we are offering a webinar this coming Sunday Evening at 7:30PM EDT. It's entitled Club Accounting-An Orientation for All Club Members. It gives an overview of club accounting basics and covers topics all club members should understand about their ...
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Setting up problem
Hi, our club just started using bivio as of 1/1/09. I am new at this and when I set up the opening balances for the members I put in what they had paid in to date and earning allocated to date. The club has been ...
3 messages
How does bivio read an OFX file from a bank and how do I set up bivio to receive such files?
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Brokerage Update
We changed our password on Scottrade this month. When I went to get my reports from Bivio for the meeting, nothing had been updated since they did not have the new password. The form asked me to update the information on brrokerage account. I did ...
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Erroneous withdrawal
Thank you Laurie. It worked perfectly. Barbara
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Erroneous withdrawal
I erroneously processed a withdrawal for one of our members. I read Gene's solution for this problem. However, he didn't elaborate on how to delete the w/d. Where do I go to delete it and get that member back on the membership roster? Thanks for ...
4 messages
Does anyone know how often or at what times the AccountSync is supposed to update? All I can find is that it updates "overnight" Is there a way to speed up the updating process at all?
9 messages
When will AccountSync be available for MyStockFund? It seems odd that the broker and accounting software recommended by BetterInvesting do not work with one another.
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member's unit transfer
Within our club we have several married couples. One of the wives wishes to withdraw from the group and transfer her units to her husband. What is the best way to do this? Matt
5 messages
Question on setting selected low on online SSG
I recently signed up for the online SSG. I'm very familiar with SSGs. My question deals with how to determine a selected low. On the original "form" we were provided with 4 options: 1) Avg low p/e X Est low eps 2) AVg low of ...
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