Possible Balance Sheet Club Activity
You'll always learn more if you take action along with reading about something. Here's a suggestion for something you might do at a club meeting to help you start to learn about balance sheets. Why don't you look up a balance sheet for one of ...
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The Balance Sheet
If you are going to invest, it helps to have an understanding of some of the financial terms which are used to report on and describe a companies business. I thought it might be useful for those of you who are newer to investing to ...
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club_cafe: What are Your Questions?
Laurie, I am still confused why one person on the support staff says to deposit BI dues into broker account so the member can get units and then pay BI out of account so they can get credit as an expense. Another support said to ...
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Challenge Club Meeting Tomorrow!
Just a reminder that the ManifestInvesting Challenge Club meeting is being held Saturday July 24 at 11AM EDT. Maybe we can talk about why Microsoft blew away the earnings estimates yet it's price went down. The meeting is free and everyone is invited. There's always ...
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Start-Up Club Advice
Hey there! This is the first time I have embarked on the Club Cafe experience but it looks to be useful. I have a scenerio that I would like to see if others have been through it and any advice you all may have. We ...
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Missing Estimates by A Penny
Good Morning Everyone, Here's a lighthearted perspective on stock prices from Stanley Bing. I thought you might appreciate it. A good reminder to keep your eye on the fundamentals and wait for the craziness to provide you with good buying opportunities. Have a great ...
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Dashboard Diagnostics Tonight
Hi Everyone, Just a reminder that Dashboard Diagnostics is tonight. You're all invited. You can register to attend at Note that tonights session is at 9PM EDT rather than 8 Hope to see you then! -- Laurie Frederiksen Invest with your friends! Follow ...
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NetFlix(NFLX) and Return On Equity
It seems I have an increasing number of friends who have been telling me about how they really like their Netflix subscriptions so I was interested in a discussion currently going on in the ManifestInvesting forums about investing in their stock. This company is a ...
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Another Reason to use Investment Club Software
We sometimes get questions from clubs that think they've been reporting something correctly on their taxes but have not. The IRS does not make it easy to comply with some tax requirements. Doing things correctly sometimes requires more work than people realize. For example, tracking ...
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Challenge Club Meeting Time/Date Change
Hi Everyone, The July meeting of the ManifestInvesting Challenge Club has been changed to July 24 at 11AM EDT. Everyone is invited. The meeting is free and there's always a great discussion. We have a lot of cash available to invest so come with investment ...
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What Should you Do with $200 per Month?
Do you have $200 per month that you want to put to good use? Should you prepay your mortgage? Invest? Pay off high interest credit card debt? Bonnie Biafore has an interesting discussion of this subject in her latest blog posting. You might be ...
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Stock div\Split on PPDI
We received a few shares of Furiex Pharmaceuticals from a stock div\split of Pharmaceutical Product Dev Com in which the transaction did not come over from our brokerage account (T D Ameritrade). How should this transaction be handled in order to post correctly in BIVIO? ...
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Death or Incapacity of a Partner
Concerning the death of a partner, our club's Partnership Agreement states that "payment shall be made when a proper demand accompanied by the appropriate legal authorization is received by the partnership." However, no one seems to know just what the proper demands or appropriate legal ...
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Walgreens (WAG) and the Annual Report Risk Factors Section
As someone who tends to worry too much, I find the risk factors section of Annual reports can be fascinating. This is where company management details all the things they see that might happen that would cause a material change in their business results. Some ...
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Twitter Contest Update
Hello everyone, We have good news and bad news. The bad news is that we don't need to have a Twitter contest because the good news is that @bivio became available and we got it. Thank you to those who entered. I'll be contacting the ...
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