Fees vs. Payments
The club I belong to has been having members pay in additional funds to cover club expenses such as the Bivio subscription. We would split the cost among all members and the amounts taken in totaled the exact amount of the subscription. These expense contributions ...
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We're considering acquiring our first ADR stock. Does Bivio treat ADRs the same as US stocks or are there special tax reporting considerations for the ADRs? I read an earlier post about brokers sometimes charging an ADR service fee that apparently must be manually entered ...
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Unlisted Stocks
Please explain why Ford (F), General Electric (GE) and Home Depot (HD) are not in the price database that Bivio uses. I understand that unlisted stocks include thinly traded or some foreign securities. But I feel large companies such as GE, Ford and Home Depot ...
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You Don't Need to Buy a "Tax Printer"
Don't forget! If you have friends whose clubs are not using bivio for their club accounting, this is a good time of year for you to remind them that if they did, they would not have to pay extra for a tax printer to do ...
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Charitable Contributions
Our club has decided to make a donation to the local veterans organization. This seems easy enough to handle in Bivio software. We simply need to add a deductible expense. This then shows up as a Charitable Contribution in the Member Tax Allocation Report. My ...
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Suggestion: Unit Values
I know that the valuation report provides a unit value and that it can be run to obtain that value for any day in the past. Would it be possible to create a report that could easily provide the high - low unit values for ...
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cannot delete withdrawn member
I withdrew a member, then discovered dividends that had not been posted prior to withdrawal. now i want to delete and perform the withdrawal again, with correct numbers. Bivio will not let me delete the withdrawal. what next? deannie
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Following Your Stocks-Profitability
It's time for another in our successful Club Meeting Meeting series! Join us this Thursday, December 2, at 8:30PM ET Question: Once you own a stock, how do you decide how long to keep it? Answer: You should follow its earnings reports and regularly re-evaluate ...
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Only One Day Left!
Don't forget, we'd love to have you as friends for our new Facebook page. If you "like" both the bivio and the Manifest Investing facebook pages by the end of the day Monday November 29, you will be entered in a drawing to win a ...
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Happy Thanksgiving
Isn't Thanksgiving a great holiday? It's a day in the middle of the week when all you need to do is to share a nice meal with people you care about and think about all the good things you have in your life to be ...
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Restatements, GMCR and Projecting the Future
When we make projections about the future success of a company, we rely heavily on data from their past. It is important to be aware if that data changes. Green Mountain Coffee Roasters (GMCR) announced in September that they had found a 7.6 million dollar ...
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Partnership vs. LLP
Hi - Are there any benefits to starting an investment club under an LLP business entity vs. General Partnership?
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Are Any of Your Investment Clubs Talking About the GM IPO?
If you are, you might be interested in this perspective by Mark Robertson of Manifest Investing. The article also includes some very interesting perspectives on IPO's in general. -- Laurie Frederiksen Invest with your friends! Become our Facebook friend! Follow us on ...
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Good Food, Good Friends, Great Places
One of the special things about the investment club community is our connection to others with our same interests in great places all over the US. One of the fun things to learn about is what makes each of our hometowns special. During the holiday ...
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What Should You Do When a Stock Price Increases Quickly?
Here's a nice problem to have. You bought a stock in September and it has already increased in value 33 percent. That's more than you expected to happen for several years. Should you keep it or move the money into something with a higher potential ...
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