And the Winner Is......
I'm pleased to announce that the Port Ludlow Unified Share Holders just won the contest to predict Apple's first quarter 2011 earnings. They predicted $6.38 and the earnings came in at $6.43. Only $.05 off! The next closest entry was $.45 off.

It took some guts to make such an aggressive prediction, I'm hoping they will share more information on their decision making process.

If you'd like to play around with making predictions for earnings for the 2nd quarter, I've attached a spreadsheet you can use. It is filled in based on the guidance that was given during the conference call.

Of course, they guided $4.80 for the first quarter and came in at $6.43. What do you think? Are they being conservative again?

Should we have another contest to see who can come closest to predicting the 2nd quarter earnings?

Laurie Frederiksen
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