Cost Basis Method-You Need to Check Your Brokerage Account
I found out something disturbing last night when I accessed our clubs Folio Investing account to place a sale order. They had chosen a default tax lot selection method for us which was not First In First Out. The IRS default for stock sales, unless ...
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The Market is Crazy. What Should You Do Now?
I read an article this morning discussing the fact that we can nurture both negative and positive motivation. We nurture negative motivation when we figure, after eating a Hersheys kiss, that we've gone off our diet anyway so we may as well finish the whole ...
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Honoring Steve Jobs
People know I like (and own) Apple stock so I've gotten several emails asking me what I think will happen to their stock price, now that Steve Jobs has resigned as CEO. The answer I have to give them is that I have no clue. ...
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IRA Custodians
You get all kinds of interesting stuff when you're on the IRS email lists. (At least it's interesting to me) Here is a list of approved Non Bank Custodians for IRA's. I know there are some of you out there who want to allow ...
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Are You a Baby Boomer?
Being one myself, I've always wondered whether it will be a problem that we're all going to want our money out of the stock market at the same time. Here's some interesting results from a recent research study that addressed this question. What do ...
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Dashboard Diagnostics and Challenge Club This Week!
Working around summer vacation schedules means you have two opportunities this week to spend some time online with people like yourselves discussing investments. The first is the August Investment Club Dashboard Diagnostics session which will be this evening, Tuesday, August 23 at 8:30PM ET The ...
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Your Investment Club Partnership Agreement
The topic for our September Club Meeting Meeting will be "Your Investment Club Partnership Agreement". Do you know where your club partnership agreement is? Do you know what is in it? Do you know why it's important? We'll discuss these things and more. So find ...
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Fuze Meeting Demonstration
Paul Madison has offered to demonstrate Fuze Meeting, an online meeting program, for anyone interested, this Friday, Aug. 19 at 4:30 ET. If you'd like to join us, we'll need your name and email address to send you an invitation. You can register here: Register ...
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It May be Ludicrous But....
We sometimes have clubs that are new or that have had losses or minimal income ask whether they need to file club taxes. Just to reinforce the resounding YES answer to that question, I want to let you all know that today I've been working ...
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Does the current insanity in the stock market mean you have chewed off all your fingernails, pulled your hair out or you've taken refuge under a rock? If so, you might need some group therapy. Mark Robertson from Manifest Investing has agreed to join us ...
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Is Goodwill Good?
If a company you own has acquired any other companies in the past 10 years, it will probably have an asset on its balance sheet which is called Goodwill. In fact, the total assets of some companies currently the topics of discussion in the investment ...
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Would Your Club Like to Meet Online
Hello everyone, I know some of you have an interest in having club meetings online. I was talking to a club yesterday which is having success using Fuze Meeting to do this. Their website is It can be used with any hardware, including smartphones ...
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Withdrawal: Transfer of Stock
I understand the various tax consequences of different ways to pay a withdrawal. However, I am curious how the following example should be handled. Let's say a partner has decided to withdraw from the club and the partnership agreement is clear that remaining partners have ...
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Challenge Club July Meeting
The July meeting of the Challenge Club will be held on Tuesday, July 26 at 8:30PM Eastern Time. It's online, it's free and everyone is invited. You can just listen to the discussion or participate in it yourself. It's always lively and interesting. Register now ...
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Cash Withdrawal
a member in our club withdrew some of his account.. I checked his account and found he had 13,714.19 in market value available and 12,625.00 total paid. I paid him 13,000. and now his account shows (375.00) as total paid. This entry appeared several months ...
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