Members payments
Is anyone else having a problem entering their club's payments into the program?
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Addresses for Club
Thanks everyone for your great support and tips. I really appreciate all the help. One last question - do any of your clubs use a PO Box for the club address? Or do you simply use the treasurer or president's home address? It seems like ...
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Cash Deposits
We have 346.00 in petty cash to deosit in our Scottrade account. How do I assign this in Bivio so all the members are included in this income?
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Online or Out of State Members
Hi All, I am curious if any of your clubs allow non-local members or if any of your clubs are online clubs. How do you handle the various transactions, voting, etc? Currently, our club only allows members who can actually attend a meeting in person. ...
4 messages
How Did They Do It?
Good Morning Everyone, The club who won the contest to predict Apple's first quarter earnings has given me permission to share how they developed their contest entry. Many people have asked me how to make up a spreadsheet like the one we used for this ...
1 message
Party Lines and How To Unsubscribe from the Club Cafe List
Hi Everyone, We have had quite a few people join this list recently and it appears as though there may be a little bit of misunderstanding on what they are subscribing to and how it works. I thought I'd try and clarify because an email ...
7 messages
And the Winner Is......
I'm pleased to announce that the Port Ludlow Unified Share Holders just won the contest to predict Apple's first quarter 2011 earnings. They predicted $6.38 and the earnings came in at $6.43. Only $.05 off! The next closest entry was $.45 off. It took some ...
1 message
Can Apple Hit $2000? Can You Win a 1 Year Free bivio Subscription?
The frenzy is here so I just had to add a crazy headline to the mix. Apple announces it's first quarter 2011 earnings on Tuesday and there are all sorts of people predicting what Apples stock price will rise to. If you own it, you ...
16 messages
Motorola spin-off and reverse stock split
On 1/4/2011, MOT spun off shares of MMI on the basis of 1 MMI share for every 8 MOT shares held. Then MOT changed its symbol to MSI and had a reverse split on the basis on 1 share MSI for every 7 shares previously ...
1 message
Busy Tuesday!
Just a reminder that the Manifest Investing Challenge Club will meet online at 8:30PM ET Tuesday, Jan. 18 And, if you'd like to listen and discuss the Apple Earnings Conference call with others who have the same interests as yourself, join us online Tuesday at ...
1 message
club_cafe: Member withdrawels
I hit send before I was quite done editing. Please just ignore the previous message (can it be deleted?) and read this one instead. Ellen, Having the new members "buy out" the withdrawing members is not the way to approach this. Pay the withdrawing members ...
3 messages
club_cafe:member withdrawals
I have already apologized, profusely, to Jim for mistyping his name. Well, profusely, for me. As I said to him, you'd think that after corresponding together for 10 years that I could get his name right. << Rip West sent me a link to this ...
1 message
Member Withdrawl Policies
Our club is interested in what other clubs are doing re withdrawing members; i.e., do clubs assess a fee or penalty for withdrawing?
13 messages
Folio Investing
Our Club is thinking of switching to Folio Investing. Our Investment club is registered as a general partnership. We are a better investing member club. Can we get the free folio account? We use Tradeking as our brokerage and from 2011 they started charging 200 ...
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Folio Login Problems
If you have a Folio account, you may have received a message today telling you your AccountSync has been deactivated. This has happened because Folio has added a "confirm your email" screen that must be completed before your account can be accessed. To fix the ...
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