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Just to let you know, this weekend, the bivio site will be temporarily down for maintenance from sometime Saturday evening until sometime Sunday morning.

We hope this will not cause you any inconvenience. Of course, the time off from your club activities means you will have more time to celebrate both the Tigers victory and either the Michigan or Michigan State victory.


Enjoy your fall weekend!

Laurie Frederiksen
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Thank you for the heads up, Laurie. I have a question. Are weekend updates due to the availability of your IT department? Because, most clubs use the prior Friday Close as their valuation date for whatever week-of-the-month we hold our meetings. That gives us the weekend to audit books and assemble reports. Not that 24 hours is all that long, mind you! But it seems that early- to mid-week would be a better time to shut down for the majority of your member clubs. Our valuation is next Friday, so it doesn't affect us. But I'm sure it will for some clubs.
Then again, ANY day you choose will cause some whining, right?? <grin>
Lynn O.

Hi Lynn,

On Fri, Oct 14, 2011 at 11:42 AM, Lynn Ostrem <> wrote:
Then again, ANY day you choose will cause some whining, right?? <grin>
Lynn O.

You've hit the nail on the head. Like picking a time for anything, there is never a perfect choice.

But, in the 11 years we've operated bivio, I don't know of another time when we have done this. We're hoping that might put any temporary inconvenience in perspective.


Our programmers do have lives also and things to do on the weekend.. The particular time they picked is due to the fact that it is the least busy time for bivio users.

The work needs to be done and it's very important to us that we inconvenience as few people as possible. Maintenance is just one of those inevitable aspects of life we all need to do every now and then.

Laurie Frederiksen
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