About the new IRS reporting rules
Laurie, I received the bulletin about the new rules - brokers having to report gains. Thanks for keeping us informed. Our club uses which is not on the AccountSync list of brokers. Every month, after the statement comes out, I enter the information into ...
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club_cafe: Resetting Unit Values
I suspect there is something else wrong here. If you're club has not made any investments yet, and has no income or expense, your unit value will not change. The number of units owned by each member will vary based on the dollar contribution each ...
3 messages
At today's price, bivio investment clubs in total have in the neighborhood of a quarter of a million dollars invested in Netflix (NFLX). What do you think? Is your investment club discussing Netflix (NFLX)? Does your club own it? Is it priced for disaster? This ...
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Netflix(NFLX) Risk Factors-DUH!
One of the sections in every 10-K and 10-Q report is the "Risk Factors" section. Companies are required to give an honest assessment of factors which might impact their business results. I sometimes find reading them is like reading the disclaimers in magazine drug advertisements. ...
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Halloween Treats
In honor of Halloween, we're going to give out treats. Show us where you or any of your investment club members have linked to on your websites or blogs and we'll credit your club account with $10 in bivio bucks that you can apply ...
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Here's Something Scary
Capital gains reporting by brokers begins with the 2012 tax year. Ira Smilovitz In a message dated 10/31/2011 10:09:27 A.M. Eastern Daylight Time, writes: Starting this year, a new tax program is being phased in which requires your broker to report your capital gains ...
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Here's Something Scary
Starting this year, a new tax program is being phased in which requires your broker to report your capital gains to the IRS. What does that mean for your investment club? It means there is an additional reason the information on your club tax return ...
4 messages
Here's Something Scary
My mistake. I thought I had pulled up the 2011 1099-B at the IRS website and didn't see the capital gains reporting boxes, but I mistakenly was looking at the 2010 form. Ira Smilovitz In a message dated 10/31/2011 10:36:57 A.M. Eastern Daylight Time, ...
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Broker confirmation notice
Should I print and file each confirmation notice from my broker? I have been comparing my broker statement against Bivio but have ignored the confirmation statement. Should I also compare the confirmation statement against the broker statement and Bivio?
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How Do You Know What Is Important When You Read Headlines?
Have you discovered Trefis yet? I've been having a lot of fun playing with it and find it very useful to help me sort out the real impact of some of the information I see making headlines for different companies. It helps you really get ...
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The Big Picture
It is a good idea to have a sense of the global growth in the businesses your investment club has chosen to invest in. This recent presentation by Mary Meeker about web 2.0 has some fascinating data about the global growth of internet related businesses. ...
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Small Company Investment Ideas
Admit it. As investors, you'd really like to find and invest in a small company before it's business really takes off and everyone else discovers it as an investment. We all want to hit that investing home run. So where to find good candidates? Every ...
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The Real Story
If you are going to be an effective investor, you need to have a basic understanding of the language of business and have some comfort level with reading financial information. If you just open a 10-K report, you might feel overwhelmed. But, if you can ...
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Spouse as partner
No. The club doesn't have to deal with it, the individual member or his/her executor has to deal with it. The club operates according to its partnership agreement. If a member divorces, s/he remains as the sole member unless the club receives instructions otherwise. If ...
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Spouse as partner
Currently we have only individual members as partners. How do we handle the spouse of an existing member joining the club if they want to join in joint tenancy with his/her spouse? I presume we would have to modify our PA to allow joint tenancy. ...
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