Security Warning
Whenever I access Bivio, I typically receive a "Security Warning" for every new page I open. It is annoying. What do I have to do to shut off this feature without putting my computer at risk? Thanks, Nick
8 messages
Why Sell Is Not a Four Letter Word
You're invited to join bivio club member and long time investor Paul Madison online this Sunday evening at 8PM ET for an InvestEd webinar. He'll be discussing a topic many investment clubs find a difficult decision to make. When is it time to sell your ...
3 messages
The FDA Drug Approval Process-An Overview
One of the best things about being part of this community is that you have a connection to people who are actually part of many of the industries you invest in. They can provide insight that can help you become a more informed investor. Sunday ...
3 messages
Challenge Club Meeting Tonight
Just a reminder that the Manifest Investing Virtual Challenge Club meeting is tonight, online at 8:30 PM ET. It's free and everyone is invited. It's a great opportunity to listen and get stock ideas or join in the discussions about possible changes to the club ...
1 message
Write Offs of Old GM Stock
If you owned GM stock before it went through bankruptcy, you received shares in what became known as Motors Liquidation Company (MLTQQ). It finally stopped trading on pink sheets in 2011. This means that you probably have a loss which you should take on your ...
1 message
Filing Dates
Just a reminder that the due date for filing your investment club tax returns this year is tomorrow, April 17. You get an extra day this year due to a Federal holiday today. If you need to also file state returns, make sure to double ...
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ESRX Purchase of MHS
Reorg fees should be entered as a negative return of capital, not an expense. Ira Smilovitz In a message dated 4/14/2012 3:33:04 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time, writes: Hi Laurie, I checked acc't sync from TDA to Bivio 1.A return of Capital of $186.86 2.A ...
2 messages
Percentage of club value to hold as cash
We rarely have more than 1% in cash. Occasionally, we will have more if we can't agree on an investment one month. If we don't have a new investment in mind, we add to whichever current holding has the best prospects and isn't overweight in ...
12 messages
ESRX Purchase of MHS
We owned 120 shares of MHS. We now have 97 shares of ESRX and our cash balance increased by $3,456. I noticed that this transaction was not automatically imported to our Bivio account. Therefore I entered two transactions: (1) Merger of ESRX resulting in 97 ...
5 messages
Your Tax Questions
At this time of year, you've got to love any article which begins: "No taxation without obfuscation. It's the American way." Enjoy! Laurie Frederiksen Invest with your friends! Become our Facebook friend! Follow us on twitter! Click here to Subscribe to ...
1 message
Medco (MHS), Express Scripts (ESRX) Merger
Quite a few of you owned Medco (MHS), and have been asking us how to account for their recent merger with Express Scripts. This was a cash plus stock merger, so it may have brought you taxable gains which you will need to recognize in ...
1 message
Investment in GLD and SLV
Laurie, Nice write up. Now if only it would convince clubs not to invest in these entities. Ira Smilovitz In a message dated 4/4/2012 3:16:25 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time, writes: Some of you have wondered why we recommend against you investing in the commodity ...
5 messages
I use Finviz to help screen stocks. It has lots of screening tools available, especially the Fundamentals tab where you can screen for P/E, sales, etc. and set min/max to reduce the number of stocks. It should be listing on the tools list because it ...
10 messages
Apple, ExxonMobil, Facebook, Bank of NY - Where do they go from here?
Hi Everyone, Our friends at Trefis are offering a webinar on April 11 that you might be interested in attending. Their webinar series is usually available only to Trefis Pro subscribers, but they're opening this one to everyone. They'll be discussing 4 stocks which many ...
5 messages
E*Trade Webinar Recording Posted
Hi Everyone, If you missed the Introduction to E*Trade webinar, the recording is now posted here: Introduction to E*Trade It gives you a good overview of the different services your club can access if you are an E*Trade customer. This includes a demonstration of research ...
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