So Many Stocks, So Little Time
Can you pick a handful of stocks from 10,000 without becoming an expert screener? Absolutely!

We have a real treat for you next Thursday, August 16 at 8:30 PM ET.

Lynn Ostrem, founder of the Crow River Investment Club and someone who has spent countless hours helping investment clubs for many years, will join us online for the August Club Meeting Meeting.

She will be making a presentation titled "So Many Stocks, So Little Time". It's about finding stocks to study. In the presentation, Lynn demonstrates her criteria, methods, and shortcuts for identifying winning stocks and industries. She also demonstrates clever combinations of her favorite screening tools that winnow thousands of stocks into a manageable few.

Lynn is an excellent presenter. One of my club members saw this same presentation at this years InvestEd conference and liked it so much he went back for a second time. I've seen it too and agree with him. You're sure to find her presentation mesmerizing.

Register now at The presentation is free and all are invited but space is limited.

Laurie Frederiksen
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Hi Mary,

Thank you for your interest.

Yes. We will be recording the presentation and will post it at when it has been edited.

We'll also announce it on Club Cafe when it is posted.

Laurie Frederiksen
Invest with your friends!

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On Wed, Aug 15, 2012 at 8:32 PM, Mary (MICKEY) Frances Riemondy <> wrote:
Our club meets Thrusday evening at the time for "So Many
stocks...." Is it recorded so we might listen later?