Does your investment club own any of these stocks, ALGN, AAPL, CTSH, BRLI or PEP? They've all run up nicely recently. Are you afraid you might lose some of your gains but you'd like to hold the stocks for the long term? That is the type of opportunity when selling a covered call might make sense. Are you interested in learning how this works?

We've put together a Covered Call COOL Tool that will guide you, step by step through a simple thought process you can use to determine what option might make sense for you to sell. The Tool was demonstrated at last Wednesdays (August 8) COOL Club meeting. The session included a demonstration of its use for all the stocks mentioned. You'll find a link to the recording of the session and a link to download the tool here:

COOL Club Presentations Page,

Want to try for yourself but not sure how to get started? You'll also find a link to an exercise which you can use to follow step by step instructions for using the tool to pick an option to sell and then following your trade using the Options Industry Council virtual simulator. It's guaranteed to be a fun exercise for your investment club to try!

Laurie Frederiksen
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