Challenge Club Meeting Saturday, Dec 1
Start your weekend with a special Saturday morning session of the Manifest Investing Challenge club on Saturday December 1 at 11AM ET. Investing ideas will be shared freely. Who knows? For all you early shoppers, you might get some holiday gift giving ideas too! You ...
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Challenge Club
Good Morning, The registration link in your email didn't work. Diane
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COOL Club Meeting Tonight! Covered Options and Taxes
Just a reminder that tonight at the COOL Club meeting, we'll be discussing the tax issues associated with trading covered options. They're pretty simple if you stick to certain types of transactions, but can get complicated quickly if you stray. We'll share some simple rules ...
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Disbanding a club question
When I asked to step down as treasurer, no member raised their hand and said "Yippee, I'll do it." So we voted to disband. Everything was sold 11/2/2012. We didn't follow the bylaws exactly but previous withdrawals have been done on a month end price. ...
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Need a name for a new club?
Hi all, Hope you had a great Thanksgiving. I was perusing cookbooks in search of some new recipes for my holiday parties, when I came across one called W.I.N.O.S., (Women in Need of Sanity); Cooking with Wine. I thought it would be a great name ...
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Anyone Interested In Sharing Your Club Experience?
Hi Everyone, Hope you had a great holiday and are stuffed with good food and thankful thoughts. I've been contacted by a newspaper reporter from a major newspaper who is doing an article on retail investors and the stock market . He is wondering whether ...
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Investment club withdrawals
Our bylaws stipulate that members can withdraw from the club by notifying the membership one week before the regularly scheduled March meeting or September meeting. The bylaws go on explain the entire process. We would like to know how other clubs handle withdrawals. Can members ...
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Investment club withdrawals
We don't have any withdrawal provisions. It would have to be voted in by the group. Original Message From: Leslie Braun Sender: To: ReplyTo: Subject: [club_cafe] Investment club withdrawals Sent: Nov 5, 2012 2:57 PM Our bylaws stipulate that members can withdraw ...
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Positive News and Positive Actions
Are you tired of endless mudslinging? Would you like to think about something positive and constructive? Apparently a lot of you would answer this with a yes. We continue to get Likes on a Facebook post we made on Labor Day: Happy Labor Day! In ...
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What Will WIndows 8 Mean To Microsoft (MSFT) Stock?
Have any of you had any experience with Windows 8 yet? I am in a club that holds Microsoft stock and the mantra at our last few meetings has been "Wait until Windows 8 comes out. Microsoft should do better". In light of that, I ...
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COOL_Club Returns
Greetings from the COOL Club Dude, I am sorry we had to take a short break but I am happy to announce that we will resume COOL_Club sessions this week. Just a reminder for those who have not attended our sessions, COOL_Club stands for Covered ...
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Happy Halloween Everyone!
The monster came early this year disguised with a nice name like Sandy. But it appears the wheels of our financial system will not remain mired in the muck very long. Hope the market re-opening today brings lots of treats for your investment club goody ...
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We're Looking for a Special Person
Do you really enjoy being an investment club treasurer? Are you Interested in using your club treasurer skills to help others? We're looking for one special person to join our support team here at bivio. If you (or someone you know): 1. Are comfortable and ...
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Special Edition Tax Tip 2012-13: Don't Fall for Phony IRS Websites
Hi Everyone, Just passing this along from our friends at the IRS so you can beware of what some of the scamsters out there are up to. Stay safe! Laurie Frederiksen Invest with your friends! Become our Facebook friend! Follow us on ...
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Our Best Wishes
We hope all of you who are directly and indirectly impacted by Hurricane Sandy have a safe place to find refuge. Those of us in other parts of the country are wishing for the best for all of you. Laurie Frederiksen Invest with your friends! ...
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