You don't want to own Linn Energy within an investment club. Linn is treated as a partnership for tax purposes. It issues a K-1 which you will have to manually transcribe to your club's 1065 as well as manually allocate the various items of income ...
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LLCs are state-created entities. Therefore, there is no specific tax treatment for an LLC - it could be treated as a corporation, a partnership, or a disregarded entity. Without knowing the specific potential investment, you can't get a definitive answer. Ira Smilovitz In a message ...
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Internet Trends
Mary Meeker, an Internet sector analyst, gives a presentation every year that gives a comprehensive overview of Internet Trends. If you are making investments in companies whose business is dependent on the internet, it provides you with a lot of valuable information that allows you ...
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The need for financial advice may be more psychological than practical
Nice article in The Economist about expert advice: If you don't know about Tetlock's work, you should. There's a human instinct for explanations, even if they are wrong more often than not. It's good to know why this is, and the book "Thinking, Fast ...
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10 Items Club Treasurers Have Questions About. Answers Tonight!
Do you know 1. Why you might not want to pay for investment club dinners with a club check? 2. The best way to handle contributions that members make in advance? 3. How to account for a bounced check? 4. What you need to determine ...
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For Those of You Interested in MLP's....
KYN is an interesting investment a club asked us about this morning. It's a corporation that invests in MLPs. Since it's a corporation, any income comes to you as corporate distributions, not the partnership distributions that cause problems with your investment club accounting.when you purchase ...
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Wash Sales
When you hold stock it is important to have an understanding of wash sales. If you have a wash sale, you must postpone the recognition of a loss until you completely divest yourself of the security. If you purchase or repurchase it or something "Substantially ...
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Special Time for June Dashboard Diagnostics
Join us for the June Dashboard Diagnostics session at a special time, Saturday, June 7 at 11:00 AM ET. Mark Robertson from Manifest Investing will be reviewing the portfolio of a delightful bivio club from New Jersey and New York. They've been around since 1994 ...
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Proctor & Gamble (PG)
Proctor and Gamble is one of the most popular stocks held by your investment clubs. Trefis has just done an interesting analysis of them. P&G Worth $70 As It Slows Emerging Markets Expansion Their stock price has dropped recently due to pressures on their margins ...
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I hear loons out my window every day, a haunting sound. On Memorial Day it makes me think of hearing Taps at all the Memorial Day ceremonies I've participated in. As a child, it was part of a day of parades, flags and barbeques. As ...
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Treasurer Training
Just a reminder that tonights webinar "An Orientation To Investment Club Record Keeping", is the first in our three part treasurer training series. Not only is it good information to know if you are an investment club treasurer, it is a good overview of how ...
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Stock prices are affected by expectations of the buyers in the market. One of the places those expectations come from is guidance about future results issued by companies themselves. Guidance is not required. If companies are going to provide expectations for things like future sales ...
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bivio Retail Investors and Facebook (FB)
Here is an interesting piece of information you won't find anywhere else. Approximately 3% of your investment clubs bought Facebook (FB) on Friday for a weighted average price of $40.25 per share. In total, apparently 20-25% of FB shares went to retail investors. Of the ...
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brokerage account
Direct investment programs were great when commissions were much larger than the $10 or so most pay today. Direct investment programs used within a club environment can create some undesirable problems. First is the delay between making an investment decision and when that buy/sell is ...
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Facebook IPO In Perspective
Are any of your clubs considering a purchase of Facebook? Here are some interesting graphics that put their market cap in perspective: Laurie Frederiksen Invest with your friends! Become our Facebook friend! Follow us on twitter! Click here to Subscribe to ...
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