Form a club with member residing in different states
Investment clubs need to be general partnerships because members should all have an equal voting position and you do not want to be labeled a mutual fund. Opening accounts or changing officers is a nightmare when it comes to signatures. Many states require a tax ...
2 messages
Form a club with member residing in different states
Would like to form an investment club with about 10 members residing in different states. The founder resides or club will be registered in Maryland. Everything will be done online including financial transactions and meetings etc.(it is 2015!! ha ha!) What will be difficulties expected ...
2 messages
New bivio Subscription Options
Hello all, We've just sent out a bulletin announcing our new subscription options.A In case you have opted out of receiving bulletins,A here is a link to it: New Subscription Options Laurie Frederiksen Invest with your friends! Become our Facebook friend! A Follow ...
12 messages
inactive members
We have a hardship clause in our by-laws.A In a case of medical treatments, etc. A member may write requesting to take a hardship leave starting with 6 months, then up to 12 if needed. On Wed, Aug 19, 2015 at 2:15 PM, Lucile Sorrells ...
1 message
inactive members
Do any clubs have a provision for inactive members? We have a member who is having medical treatments in another state and we are not sure how to handle it.
6 messages
Bivio price increase
I note that under the "economy" option, the number of allowable transactions drops by one-third, from 400 to 250.A How can we find out how many we used last year?A And what happens if we need more than 250?
4 messages
Positive Thoughts
Want to feel good about being an investor?A Here's some positive thoughts about the future from Morgan Housel: 10 Quick Topics to Brighten Your Summer Laurie Frederiksen Invest with your friends! Become our Facebook friend! A Follow us on twitter!A A Follow ...
1 message
Subscription Options -Transactions Count
I was interested in transaction numbers over the past several years so I could recommend an appropriate subscription level to my club. Have your treasurer go to Accounting-Accounts-Transactions and click. Go to bottom of page, List Size and change to 100. Go to top. You ...
1 message
Required Attendance
What action would your club take with an original "Founding" member who no longer attends Investment Club Meetings and has 11% holdings of investments in the club?
20 messages
Baxter and Baxalta
Can you explain how the Baxter and now Baxalta gets recorded in Bivio. We have our account linked to TD Ameritrade and I assumed that it would just sync. Need assistance
2 messages
Dividends in Bivio reports
Does the Investment Performance Report and/or the Performance Benchmark Report account for dividends collected in the portfolio holdings during the time period selected? Stuart Weissman, MLIC
2 messages
High School investing club
I have volunteered to form a High School investing club. The club will be a mock club for students to learn the fundamentals of investing. The high school students will follow and stock and I will be teaching the basics of investing. If anyone has ...
2 messages
Kraft conversion to KHC
We owned 50 shares of KRFT which on 7/6/15 converted to KHC in a one to one exchange. In addition there was a $16.50 per share cash payout ($825 for us) paid. How do I account for this in Bivio? It may be classified as ...
2 messages
Stock Study Ideas
a€‹ Looking for stock study ideas?A You can find a list of the top 50 stocks owned by bivio investment clubs here: Club Index Next to each one is a convenient Ticker Research link that will take you to lots of information you'll find useful ...
3 messages
I was curious what some other clubs do about proxies. In our club, members who can't make meetings are very good at assigning their proxy to another member. The problem is that some times one member will end up with an inordinate amount of proxies ...
10 messages