Sending email to members
Is there a way to send individual members an email through bivio or can you only send a group message to the entire membership?
4 messages
Corporate Transparency Act -- It is not just for Corporations
The following information will not apply to most investment clubs, but there may be a few to which it does apply. If your investment club is a partnership formed without a state requirement to file the partnership agreement or other applications with secretary of state, ...
1 message
Question about withdrawal of a partner, tax return, and K-1
Our partnership agreement places a partner's valuation date at the end of the month following the month the withdrawal notice is accepted. For instance, if a partner's withdrawal notice is accepted at the November 2023 meeting, then the partner's valuation date is December 31, 2023. ...
3 messages
What files should a club keep?
What files should an investment club keep? And how far back? We're looking at cleaning up our files in bivio - and our club was formed in 2007. Any guidelines? thoughts? Kim Potter BI Brighton Model Club
1 message
General Partnership Formation Documents
At some point in 2008 I formed an investment club using Bivio. With the whole transfer from TD Ameritrade to Schwab my account has been broken similar to everyone else (I can no longer withdraw funds to a linked personal checking account). One solution they ...
5 messages
cost basis not agreeing
We had shares of LAC - Lithium America.A Last month, we received the same amount of shares of LAAC - Lithium America Argentina.A This is in addition to still having the shares of LAC.A The problem is that the cost basis on our Charles Schwab ...
2 messages
Death of member
We have a member who is in critical condition, and we would like to get payment to his spouse in the event he passes before our next scheduled meeting. The idea is to avoid probate in the event he does pass. Can we write the ...
19 messages
Webinar Recording and Upcoming Webinar Dates!
Hi everyone, It was nice to have many of you join us live last night for the Getting Ready for Tax Season webinar. If you missed it or want to watch again, the handouts and video are now posted on the bivio "Getting Ready for ...
1 message
Inactive member - thoughts?
We have an inactive member that we will likely be removed. As part of our partnership agreement we can disburse through cash or stocks. However, the inactive member will not respond to any correspondence, so a disbursement of any sort may pose a logistical problem. ...
7 messages
Trouble with deposits at Schwab
Every thing with our Schwab move has gone well except deposits. We applied for mobile deposit approval a couple of months ago but we see that we are still awaiting approval. We tried a mobile deposit anyway, but it would not let us do it. ...
28 messages
our club wants suggestions for new broker that AccountSyncs with Bivio
Our investment club is in the final stages of voting on a new broker that AccountSyncs with Bivio. Any pros or cons from other clubs about the broker you use that you care to share? (BTW, we don't need to hear about Schwab; they are ...
17 messages
Crediting Member Direc2t Deposits
One caution is that the 2 items that John mentioned should be covered in your Partnership Agreement, ByLaws or whatever your forming document(s) might be.A Those are both items that can be handled differently that what John has stated, depending on what your organization has ...
2 messages
Crediting Member Direct Deposits
Our club is considering instituting members' direct depositing their investment funds into our Schwab brokerage account.A We understand that each of our 11 members would have an identifying amount to deposit - e.g. $50.01, $50.02, etc.A The questions that I need your input on are ...
2 messages
"Undoing" Withdrawal Report
Our club has only processed withdrawals in cash in the past, and we are hoping to do a withdrawal via stock transfer for the first time. Trying to set up several scenarios and wondering if I can go through the withdrawal process several times and ...
8 messages
How to unsubscribe from Club Cafe List
Please use this link to unsubscribe from this list: Leave Club Cafe
2 messages