tax returns and digital asset ownership
Hi Becky--I have a suggestion: please make everyone aware of this, and please don't bury the question of digital asset ownership in the very last question in the club interview.

I initially answered yes to the digital asset interview question, clicked the "generate the return" button and downloaded the return, only to be given the bad news at the very end of the process. Let everyone know upfront that Bivio cannot prepare tax returns (or do the accounting?) if a club owns a digital asset.



On Thu, Feb 29, 2024 at 2:07 PM Becky Kruse <> wrote:
Hi Peter,

bivio will not be support accounting or tax preparation for clubs that own digital assets. The accounting for distributions and expenses is complex. Thanks for asking. Let me know if you have any further questions by replying to this email.

Becky Kruse
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Hi Peter,

Thank you for the suggestion!

Becky Kruse
Become our Facebook Friend!

Don't forget! You can always find lots of useful information on our help page.