tax forms
When will I be able to print my tax forms???
IRS has forms available...
My club meeting is tomorrow and I like to be prompt with tax
info to my members.
If bivio expects delays I want to cancel my tax season
Please advise.
Until you've received your 1099 Forms from your broker (and
I doubt you have), you shouldn't prepare your tax return.
You must be able to match the numbers reported to the gov't
or explain discrepancies. Often items get reclassified
(between interest and dividend, taxable and return of
capital) or there are year-end distributions that you may
not be aware of. (How about 12/31 interest on the cash
holdings in the account?)

Despite your desire to be "prompt", the partnership has
until 4/15 to prepare and file its 1065 and provide K-1s to
its partners. Most partnerships distribute K-1s in late
February/early March.

Ira Smilovitz
Lakshmi Investments, LLC

Jane Lloyd wrote:
> When will I be able to print my tax forms???
> IRS has forms available...
> My club meeting is tomorrow and I like to be prompt with tax
> info to my members.
> If bivio expects delays I want to cancel my tax season
> subscription.
> Please advise.
Jane Lloyd writes:
> When will I be able to print my tax forms???
> IRS has forms available...

The "fill-in" forms were released by the IRS on Wednesday. We need
time for implementation and testing. It's too late for this week's
release. You can expect them by the week after (1/21/2001).

As Ira said, you still need to wait for your 1099s to be sure you are
telling the IRS the same thing your broker(s) and bank(s) are.

Thank you for using bivio,
I was told a week after the IRS forms come out.
 Hope this helps you out.

--- Jane Lloyd <> wrote:
> When will I be able to print my tax forms???
> IRS has forms available...
> My club meeting is tomorrow and I like to be prompt
> with tax
> info to my members.
> If bivio expects delays I want to cancel my tax
> season
> subscription.
> Please advise.

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