Uploading info to Bivio
Part of the narrative if the help files about privileges,
contains the following: Regular partners (Secretary and
Member) have limited privileges. They can view personal data
of Guests and Members (except social security numbers),
upload files, and receive messages sent to your club's mail
address at bivio.

As the treasurer of our club, only the asst treasurer and
myself are allowed to update the clubs portfolio. Am I
right in saying all members of a club can upload data to
Bivio - thereby changing the clubs portfolio?

Thank you.
Bertram Francis
Empty Pockets Investment Club
B Francis writes:
> As the treasurer of our club, only the asst treasurer and
> myself are allowed to update the clubs portfolio. Am I
> right in saying all members of a club can upload data to
> Bivio - thereby changing the clubs portfolio?

No, only officers can import your accounting.

Members can upload files to the files area, but this has no effect on
your accounting.
