Report Questions
Is there a way to generate a report of the unit price over time and compare it to the the Dow?
2 messages
dividend, cash-in-lieu and taxes
I am trying to review my taxes and have a mis-match between BIVIO and my brokerage (BUY&HOLD). I had shares of picturetel converted to polycom with an exchange of stock plus cash. The cash amount is not coming out on the tax forms. Should it ...
6 messages
I have had trouble with my password. I doesn't work.
2 messages
Member Performance Report?
Our club has 3 members who joined October 2001. Under the Annualized Internal Rate of Return column in the Member Performance Report it has these 3 members listed as NA. Could you explain why it has NA for these 3 members? Thanks Brent Tooth and ...
2 messages
member buyout
I've done a search to try and find the answer to this question with no luck. I have a member who wants out. I found someone to buy him out. the member's worth is not the issue, rather the physcial removal of the old member's ...
2 messages
It would have been depressing last year but would it be possible to have a graph showing 'Value of one unit'? I know that is asking a lot. If that's too much, how about a page showing the 'Value of one unit' on a daily, ...
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club_cafe: dividends reporting
Hi Elizabeth, I'm not sure about your question, but if it has something to do with buy&hold and its cash-in-lieu maybe I can help. Now you state: >I have several small dividends that also have cash-in-lieu >transactions. I use Buy&Hold and since you can purchase ...
2 messages
Bivio Transaction list alignment with Tax forms.
My club subscribed to Bivio for the first time this year and we've used the tax printing to complete our 1065 and K-1's. We ran into a problem trying to match some REIT transaction categories with the current categories that Bivio offers. Keeping in mind ...
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change of e-mail address
can you change my e-mail address from: or to:
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How does your club handle voting when the club has many members with just half of the capital account of the others?
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I am the new treasurer of an investment club and have no idea how to enter the dividends that was received from the year end dividends and distributions summary from our former broker.
2 messages
dividends reporting
I have several small dividends that also have cash-in-lieu transactions. I use Buy&Hold and since you can purchase partial shares, many dividend transactions look like this : Dividend : 6.98 Re-invent: 6.98 = X fractional shares @ Y cost Cash-in-Lieu .01 This is on my ...
1 message
Short sells
Please forgive the ignorance of a novice investor, investment club member and investment club treasurer (sounds like a recipe for disaster, doesn't it), but is there no way to record and report short sells using bivio online accounting? We do have some very knowledgeable members ...
3 messages
Hi Members: This is a test. Barbara
1 message
Partnership vs BY Laws
What is the different between the Partnership Agreement and the club BY Laws. Do members have to sign the BY Law if it's different from the Partnership.
2 messages