dividends reporting
I have several small dividends that also have cash-in-lieu
transactions. I use Buy&Hold and since you can purchase
partial shares, many dividend transactions look like this :

Dividend : 6.98
Re-invent: 6.98 = X fractional shares @ Y cost
Cash-in-Lieu .01

This is on my monthly statements. On the tax forms most of
the .01 cash-in-lieus are not listed. Since the re-invest
and cash-in-lieu seems to be more than the actual dividend,
this is probably why. Some type of round-off error. But,
what should I have in my tax forms - the 1099 amounts, which
means deleting some of the .01 transactions to get them
right. Or use the bivio amounts that match the monthly
statements - especially with account sync. I don't want to
have to re-check too much with account sync or it defeats
the purpose. What do you think - these missing pennies are
driving me nuts!