The Answer is Here - Graph your Club's Daily NAV!
Greetings fellow Bivio users! I have seen a number of requests on the boards for a means to graph your club's daily NAV. I had a similar problem for my club and created an automated utility to "fetch" this data from Bivio and capture it ...
5 messages
partner changes
I read the sample partner agreement, but I am just a little confused on one topic. How do I modify a partnership agreement when I add a new partner ? If I start with 4 people now, and add 2 more later on, do I ...
1 message
Account Sync
I haven't had an account Sync update since 3/6/02 and I've had a few transactions since that date. Is there anything wrong with AccountSync? Thanks
3 messages
Value of units
My club which is presently a corporation, which will shortly liquidate, distribute the cash, and start a new LLC using Bivio accounting. Each member will invest $25,000 in the new LLC. What is the recommended value of a unit 1, $10, $100, or $1,000 ??? ...
2 messages
1099-DIV question
I just was comparing the 1099 statement that i received from Ameritrade to the information on the 1065 form that was generated by bivio and realized that the $4.00 of dividend interest that we got was not reported by ameritrade, but showed up on our ...
3 messages
Tax Allocation of erronous bank charge
Hello all! Here's one for ya! Our bank erroneously charged us $6.00 in bank charges, three months in a row. $12.00 last year, $6.00 this year. They reimbursed us $18.00 "this" year. So I credited it to the expense account. Now, the Member Tax Allocation ...
2 messages
Members that have lost intrest.
I our by-laws, we can have a max of 20 members. 50% of them are have lost all intrest and are not investing any longer. We have other people that would like to join the club. What do you do with the ones that have ...
6 messages
Corrected Copy...Handling Deductable & Nondeductable Expenses On One Check
The last e-mail I sent was incomplete. My question regards the instance of writing a check to cover an invoice for a luncheon meeting. We charge 50% as meeting rent which is deductable, and 50% to dining expense , which is not deductable. How does ...
4 messages
Handling Meeting Expenses
Our club holds a monthly luncheon meeting and we charge 1/2 of the expense as rent which is deductable, and 1/2 as food and drink which is non-deductable. If we list one check (as in account sync), how do we split the amount in halves ...
1 message
New Members.
Our club has a total of 12 members. We just started our investing this month. It is a club composed of co-workers. Some other co-workers are interested in joining our club. In the future we would like to open our membership to our co-workers. I ...
2 messages
Definition of 'Accumulate' vs 'buy'
Can someone explain what accumulate means in relation to stock purchases. I ask because I think it means purchase additional shares. In researching stocks I have come across recommendations of accumulate - which to me assumes you already own shares of said stock. Am I ...
2 messages
CLub Dues- Deductiblilty
Just checking-- are NAIC and club annual dues deductible for Federal tax purposes?
2 messages
New Club Questions on Taxes
How do Taxes work. Can someone walk me through them in English. We are starting a General Partnership, but everyone is asking how the taxes work. Please assume that I know nothing, it will be easier to explain to everyone else. Thanks
7 messages
Taxes and terminating the club
For various reasons we are cashing out of our investment club. This was all doen before the end of the tax year so we have final schedule K-1 and 1065's. My question has to do with how the disposition of cash (all our stock was ...
1 message
HI, Do any forms besides K-1,1065 and attachments need to be sent to the IRS. What I am asking is do 1099's need to be sent in. Tommy
2 messages