Access to Multiple Clubs on Bivio
Belonging to two investment clubs, I set up the first one using my new home email address. No problem-- works great. I am now in the process of setting up the second investment club for trial under bivio, and tried to use the same email ...
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Latest on NJ $150/partner annual fee
The latest version of the proposed revision to the NJ "$150 per partner" fee is available at the NJ Legislature web site. statement describing the revision: pdf html text of the substituted bill: pdf html The $150/partner fee will now apply ...
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Stock Voting
What is the best way for voting on stocks in a meeting when there is more than one good option? We have discussed the possibility of using a weighted vote, that is assigning numbers to each stock and selecting those with the most votes, but ...
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club_cafe: Adding a partner
In a message dated 01/15/03 10:41:34 AM Eastern Standard Time, writes: As to your specific situation it appears you have a new member buying out an old member? There is a way to make this transaction happen in Bivio. You do NOT want to ...
3 messages
club_cafe: Re: Adding a partner
I would just keep the letter from your former partner as proof that she willingly retired from your group. A rider can be as simple as a separate document that makes reference to your existing partnership agreement. Call it attachment A and then reference the ...
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club_cafe: Members Under the Age 18
Taxes are not a problem. Children file tax returns when their income reaches the appropriate level. I imagine that membership in the form of an UTMA/UGMA account would be acceptable, IF your partnership agreement allows it. The partnership agreement should also indicate how voting and ...
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club_cafe: Members Under the Age 18
Very interesting. How are they going to handle their taxes? I have seen schools form investment clubs, and they sometimes do quite well. I do know that minors are not often allowed to enter into contracts, and partnership agreements are considered contracts. I would cautions ...
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Members Under the Age 18
My grandsons, who are both under the age of 18, have recently become members of our Investment Club. They are 11 and 9 years old, and my daughter is their Custodiian. Do my grandsons have a say in our voting process, even though they just ...
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club_cafe: Adding a partner
Your partnership agreement should speak to the issue of adding and removing members. This area would state that a new member needs to: (insert whatever criterion / initial payment - units - so forth). The new member would need to sign the partnership agreement. I ...
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Adding a partner
We are adding a new partner to our club for the first time. We have everything handled from the financial side, but how do we handle it from a legal perspective? Do we just need to add her to the signature page on the partnership ...
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When SCOR was aquired by CAH, Ameritrade charged us a $20 mandatory reorganization fee. I assume this "fee" becomes part of our cost basis for CAH. How and where is this fee properly entered?
2 messages
Specially Allocated expense
i was reading back through some of the articles and letters about fees v. expenses, and i understand the differences. My question is, does bivio allow us anyway to specially allocate an expense to one partner? Or do I have to adjust the K-1s manually? ...
2 messages
club_cafe: Palm
I received a similar valuation when Citigroup spun off Travelers A & B shares. I found that I had put in an incorrect spin-off ration and thus had a $200 plus value on one of the TAP shares. I mention this because I believe Palm ...
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club_cafe: short sales
I don't believe bivio can handle short sales. If you try to record a sale for more shares than you own, you get an error message. I also do not find an entry for short sales in the help files. Ira Smilovitz In a message ...
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club_cafe: surprises?
Pam, The "% surprise" is how much the actual eps varied from the expected eps. If the analyst projected/expected $.25/share eps in a quarter and the company actually reported $.26, the % surprise would be (.26 - .25)/.25 * 100 = 4%. This number seemed ...
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