Access to Multiple Clubs on Bivio
Belonging to two investment clubs, I set up the first one
using my new home email address. No problem-- works great.

I am now in the process of setting up the second investment
club for trial under bivio, and tried to use the same email
address-- but the edit software did not like that.

I ended up using a secondary email address for the
(different) userid to the new club on bivio to get around
the problem, but would prefer to have my primary email
address used for both accounts.

Another member of this new club is also the administrator
for a third club, so I am sure he would have a similar
problem in access.

If it is possible, how can I set up the account(s) to allow


You can be member of several clubs in bivio with the same User ID and
Password (register only once). You can have different privileges in the
clubs you are a member of. I'm sorry this wasn't clear to you. Send
your two User ID's to, and we'll merge the two User
IDs into one. Let us know which one you want to keep.