Form 8893 - One time or every year
I not certain about whether to make the consolidated audit election and file Form 8893 for our investment club with 10 members. Assuming we decide to do so, is the form and signatures required each year? Or can the form be signed once and continue ...
2 messages
club_cafe: individual K-1
In a message dated 2/10/2006 4:33:49 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, writes: as far as I can tell I have downloaded and installed Adobr 6.0, and I have not been able to view my K-1. It just shows a blank Adobe screen. Any ideas? Has ...
3 messages
club_cafe: Re: Providian/Washington Mutual Merger - need help recording
In a message dated 2/10/2006 11:31:45 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, writes: Thanks, Ira. I have performed the calculation per the spreadsheet you referenced. Just a couple more questions. Can you please school me on what constitutes a long term capital gain, short term capital ...
2 messages
club_cafe: Providian/Washington Mutual Merger - need help recording
In a message dated 1/28/2006 1:45:02 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, writes: Providian and Washington Mutual entered into a Cash/Stock merger on 10/5/05. Here were the transactions our club had on our broker statement: 1. "Sell" Providian, 75 shares @ $2 = $150 cash into ...
2 messages
Individual K1's
I am working in the Expert Tax section. In past years I have typed the date at the top of each partner's form. This year there are only 2 spaces allowed at the "beginning" date and at the "ending" date no matter what is entered ...
2 messages
Dealing with Spam forwarded through
We've had a rash of spam attacks lately. We are not happy about this. One of the problems our customers are experiencieng is that when people send to <your-user-id>, and <your-user-id> is an obvious name, such as, lynn, the spammers can "guess" your address with ...
1 message
club_cafe: My thoughts on 2005 Bivio taxes
John, I can answer some of your questions. I'll leave the others to Rob or another official bivio person. (See below) Ira Smilovitz In a message dated 2/7/2006 9:54:32 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, writes: I have some suggestions also, along the same lines as ...
7 messages
Tax matters partner
How can I change who our Tax Matters Partner is. Right now I'm listed but I'm not in charge of our club's taxes.
2 messages
club_cafe: My thoughts on 2005 Bivio taxes
In a message dated 2/8/2006 8:55:42 A.M. Eastern Standard Time, writes: If there's a place to download individual K-1s, I didn't find it. As Rob has already posted At the bottom of the main taxes screen there is a check box labeled "Expert Taxes". ...
2 messages
club_cafe: Verifying Tax info
In a message dated 2/8/2006 1:51:13 A.M. Eastern Standard Time, writes: What is the best source for completing and/or verifying interview questions such as ex-dividend dates, and designation of dividends as qualified or not? Based on the number of 1099 corrections we typically get ...
1 message
Verifying Tax info
What is the best source for completing and/or verifying interview questions such as ex-dividend dates, and designation of dividends as qualified or not? Based on the number of 1099 corrections we typically get from our brokerage each year, I hesitate to accept their data without ...
1 message
My thoughts on 2005 Bivio taxes
Hello all, Crow River did club taxes on Saturday. I was a little frustrated with it, and planned to write to Rob. But, since all our opinions are helpful, I thought I'd post them here, rather than privately. If you agree, disagree, etc., please chime ...
3 messages
club_cafe: Re: Tax printer and dividends and consolidated audit question
In a message dated 2/7/2006 6:01:37 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, writes: so it is normal to have the same number in both ordinary and qualified? > > Normal isn't really the appropriate word. Does it happen? If all your dividends are qualified, yes. You ...
1 message
club_cafe: Tax printer and dividends and consolidated audit question
In a message dated 2/7/2006 5:52:37 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, writes: My K-1's have the same dividend amount in both ordinary and qualified dvidends. Why? When I look at other Bivio reports I only see the word qualified. How do I get this amount ...
2 messages
Tax printer and dividends and consolidated audit question
My K-1's have the same dividend amount in both ordinary and qualified dvidends. Why? When I look at other Bivio reports I only see the word qualified. How do I get this amount out of ordinary-or does it not matter? Thanks for the help!! I ...
1 message