Dealing with Spam forwarded through
We've had a rash of spam attacks lately. We are not happy about
this. One of the problems our customers are experiencieng is that
when people send to <your-user-id>, and <your-user-id> is an
obvious name, such as, lynn, the spammers can "guess" your address
with what is known as a "dictionary attack" (go through the common
names in the dictionary).

One solution we are proposing is to eliminate forwarding of
<your-user-id> unless you specifically check a box that says
you want it. In order to reduce the amount of information attackers
can glean by dictionary attacks (a "bounced" message is information to
a spammer), we are going to simply gobble up the messages, and throw
them away, if you don't have this new preference checked.

We'd like to hear from the readers of this forum, who we believe would
be the only ones to be using their addresses except for insiders. Please let know (don't reply to
this forum), if you are using your <your-user-id> address.

Thank your very much, and we apologize for the amount of spam people
are receiving. Our spam filters are strong and stop a great deal of
it. And, we are working on specific solutions to stop more of it.
