Individual K1's
I am working in the Expert Tax section.

In past years I have typed the date at the top of each
partner's form. This year there are only 2 spaces allowed
at the "beginning" date and at the "ending" date no matter
what is entered for "month" it reverts back to "05" when the
05 is entered for the year. What I want to add is 1/1 then
12/31 and finally 05. Why can't I make this happen?

It's a great convenience to fill in these dates via the
computer and not have to add them by hand.

We've been happily using Bivio for 4 years and the taxes
have always gone smoothly. This year there are changes
which seem to have made tax prep more difficult.

Club Treasurer
R Watkins
You don't have to type in the dates on each partner's form. The form is for the calendar year 2005. You only type in the beginning and ending dates if the partnership is on a fiscal year basis.
Rip West
Saint Paul, MN