Stock prices not updating
Several times over the last couple of weeks, the prices have not updated properly. Is there a way to force an update? Many thanks.
2 messages
Investment Tracking
Dear All, I am new to here. Nice to meet you all! Is this accounting system only limited to track US stocks and options? If our club trade leverage foreign exchange, spot gold / silver, etc., we can't input our transactions in Bivio, is it ...
2 messages
club_cafe: member pasted away
In a message dated 6/24/2006 5:47:11 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, writes: We have a unqiue investment club --strictly very close friends. In our Partnership agreeement we stated that if a member pasted away their investment would be transferred equally among the other members. Of ...
9 messages
club_cafe: Re: member pasted away
In a message dated 6/26/2006 8:09:47 A.M. Eastern Standard Time, writes: wrote: > In a message dated 6/24/2006 5:47:11 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, > writes: > We have > a unqiue investment club --strictly very close > friends. In our Partnership > ...
1 message
member pasted away
We have a unqiue investment club --strictly very close friends. In our Partnership agreeement we stated that if a member pasted away their investment would be transferred equally among the other members. Of course when we wrote that rule we never dreamed one of us ...
1 message
Bivio Email Feature
Would be nice if I could delete 500 emails at once without so many clicks on Bivio.
7 messages
New release
New features with this release: - Share your portfolio with friends ( or your club members) - Share your portfolio with everyone. - Share a specific Stock Analysis with anyone. Send a link by e-mail. Post it to a Message board. Here is a link ...
1 message
1065 Form
To Bivions: Our club has been in existance since 2001 and uses the Bivio software. Our treasurer files the 1065 every year. However, he received notice in October 2005 that the 1065 tax return for 2003 wasn't received. He explained that he sent it in ...
1 message
Disbanding club
I've found a couple of discussions about this process, but I'm not clear about how the Bivio software will handle the Admin Account that our club maintains for expenses. I understand the process of selling everything in the club's portfolio and performing a full withdrawal ...
1 message
Liberty Media split of two tracking stocks
Our club owned 100 shares of Liberty (L), it split itself off into two tracking stocks. We now have 5 shares of LCAPA and 25 shares of LINTA. How do I change this in our portfolio. Thanks, Jane
3 messages
great support
Wow am I pleased with the support from Bivio. We had previously been with I-Club and support was very difficult and time consuming (and expensive). My questions was answered promptly and very thoroughly. I can't believe I'm getting this good of service and product for ...
2 messages
Accountsync not working
We use TD Waterhouse as our broker and the system has stopped updating transactions. Our User ID and Passord are still valid with Waterhouse. Please advise and thanks in advance
2 messages
december dividend LLL
our club recieved emails noting dividend dispursements from LLL on consecutive days, 12/16, 12/17. the amounts were 2.38 and 2.00 respectively. the 2.38 amount is consistent with LLL dividend history. the dollar amount in our bivio account differs from our t.d. ameritrade account by the ...
1 message
safer value play
Check out Medtronic MDT cardiac machines stocks are all at 52 lows with baby boom around the corner, these stocks are poised for a nice recovery; over the next 6-18 months.
1 message
Did anyone invest or consider investing in HANS, VLO or WFMI? Debi
8 messages