2007 Subscription fee
I am curious if the subscription fee amount has been set for
2007. What would be the amount for the full year, and what
would be the amount for just closing out the taxes for a
closing club. Can the subscription fee be paid now?
Steve A. Hannemann writes:
> I am curious if the subscription fee amount has been set for
> 2007. What would be the amount for the full year, and what
> would be the amount for just closing out the taxes for a
> closing club. Can the subscription fee be paid now?

We have no plans to raise fees any time soon. We still have a
half-year subscription ($39), which you could use to close out the
year. However,

If you want to close your club now, you can, at no extra charge. You
simply withdraw everybody, pay them out, and then submit a mid-year
return. bivio supports this feature so you don't have to keep your
club open just to close it out next year when 2006 taxes are ready.
