Time Based vs. Snapshot

I've read the online help at:
so I have a basic understanding of the difference between
Time Based and Snapshot Tax Allocation Methods. But I'm
still not sure which our club should choose.

We're converting from CA, so our club treasurer is
accustomed to the Snapshot method. The help file mentions
that there are no partial or interim Member Tax Allocation
reports available, though, for a club that chooses Snapshot.

Are there any other reasons for picking one or the other? Or
does it not really make much difference?


Mike Carroll
Oro Valley, AZ
There really is no reason to choose the snapshop method. Time-based is fairer to members coming in and out during the year [actually fairer for everyone whose monthly contributions vary], and is more in keeping with IRS requirements.
The snapshot method is left over from the days before computers when it was much easier for treasurers to allocate, just once, on the basis of ownership at the end of the year.
Rip West
Saint Paul, MN
In traditional newsgroup discussions, the newsreader shows
which message is a reply to which. The Club Cafe does not
seem to support this feature.

My second message in this thread was a reply to Ira's
comment. Rip seems to have taken it to be a reply to his,
which it was not. But I caused the confusion by not quoting
Ira's message in my reply. My apologies for that.

If in addition, I'm mistaken in saying the the Club Cafe
does not show which message is a reply to which, then let me
apologize once again, this time in advance!

Mike Carroll
> In traditional newsgroup discussions, the newsreader shows
> which message is a reply to which. The Club Cafe does not
> seem to support this feature.

You need to click on the the "threads" button just above the word


I didn't explain myself well. Suppose user A starts a
thread, and user B replies to A's message. When user C comes
along, she may choose to reply to either A's or B's message.

The traditional newsgroup readers like Google groups have
varying indentation levels in the thread view. The
indentation shows which message user C replied to.

The bivio reader only has one level of indentation. It shows
the messages in the order (I assume) in which bivio received
them. You can't tell, from the thread view, whether C was
replying to A or to B. You can only tell that C's message
arrived later than A's and B's. So the user needs to quote
from the message being replied to, in order for the reader
to be able to tell.


Rob Nagler wrote:
> > In traditional newsgroup discussions, the newsreader shows
> > which message is a reply to which. The Club Cafe does not
> > seem to support this feature.
> You need to click on the the "threads" button just above the word
> "Subject".
> Rob
> The bivio reader only has one level of indentation.

This is by design. The system was designed for the typical investment
club member who most likely had never used a threaded mail reader

> It shows> the messages in the order (I assume) in which bivio
> received them.

It shows them in threaded order in threaded mode, unless you sort by

> You can't tell, from the thread view, whether C was
> replying to A or to B.

You probably can't tell anyway. :-) The vast majority of users don't
really get threading; this is probably one of the reasons that Google
expands mail and newsgroups in a blog-style listing. We may offer
this some day.

> So the user needs to quote from the message being replied to, in
> order for the reader to be able to tell.

This is probably a good idea, esp. in long threads.


Thanks for taking the trouble to reply. I don't think
there's a problem with your design, and agree that the
traditional approach is problematic. I just got caught
offguard myself, expecting Club Cafe to work one way &
discovering it didn't.

When I click on "Threaded", why does *this* set of messages
appear as part of the "Time Based vs. Snapshot" thread?

-Jim Thomas
Jim Thomas writes:
> When I click on "Threaded", why does *this* set of messages
> appear as part of the "Time Based vs. Snapshot" thread?

Threaded means that the next/prev goes through each message in "thread
order", but it doesn't "stop" when you get to a old/new thread.

> Threaded means that the next/prev goes
> through each message in "thread
> order", but it doesn't "stop" when you get
> to a old/new thread.

I know. But the first message titled "Threads in the bivio
Club Cafe" is indented just as if it were part of the other
message thread.