club_cafe: Waterhouse and Ameritrade
In a message dated 3/22/2007 3:19:18 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time, writes: A quick follow-up to your most recent posting regarding data feeds and the AccountSync program. You stated: "TD Waterhouse (not Ameritrade, btw) seems to use a different data feed than other companies." Would ...
1 message
Waterhouse and Ameritrade
Cheers, Rob! A quick follow-up to your most recent posting regarding data feeds and the AccountSync program. You stated: "TD Waterhouse (not Ameritrade, btw) seems to use a different data feed than other companies." Would you please amplify your "btw" comment regarding Ameritrade and Waterhouse? ...
1 message
Syncing with TDA - Valuation closing prices are wrong!
The Feb. closing price on our TDA statement was different than that reported by Bivio, even though all other transactions did sync correctly. HOG and UNH both had differences that added up to an over $3 discrepancy. In our previous accounting software we could go ...
2 messages
club authorization code
one of my club members is trying to get on the club site and gets a question for a club authorization code. what is that? Deannie
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club_cafe: Printing reports on a single page
Rob Nagler <> wrote: > You can scale the font before going to the report. There's a select > box on the bottom of the page. Should make the text fit better. Tried that. Still too big. I guess we have to sell some stocks ...
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club_cafe: Printing reports on a single page
> How's it going on YOUR side of town? <G> > Probably the same as on your side of town. Same weather at least > of paper, each. If you click on File|Print Setup. Select Acrobat > Distiller|Layout|Advanced to make sure it's set for 100% ...
2 messages
Printing reports on a single page
Our last treasurer was using Firefox and when he printed to a PDF from that it kept reports on one page. When I print to acrobat to print out a report, it will not fit on one page. I have looked all over the place ...
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club_cafe: Certified Mail
In a message dated 3/19/2007 11:40:18 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time, writes: I am about ready to mail my returns. I have never sent them receipt requested. Is this a recommended policy? Liz I always send tax returns by certified mail. Personally, I pay the ...
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club_cafe: Certified Mail
In a message dated 3/19/2007 6:04:53 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time, writes: Quick question needing quick reply: I mailed state and fed taxes by Certified Mail on 2/12. State taxes arrived safely and receipt was acknowledged on 2/15. Fed taxes thus far only have a ...
3 messages
Certified Mail
Quick question needing quick reply: I mailed state and fed taxes by Certified Mail on 2/12. State taxes arrived safely and receipt was acknowledged on 2/15. Fed taxes thus far only have a receipt from my local post office nothing from Ogden. What is my ...
1 message
club_cafe: MD Tax filing
In a message dated 3/15/2007 3:40:33 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time, writes: Can any of you who know so much more than I tell me if I have to file Maryland form 510 for the club? The Federal is simple with bivio and account synch. ...
2 messages
club_cafe: NJ tax
In a message dated 3/17/2007 6:21:22 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time, writes: I didn't get a response from another e-mail I sent, but I think I figure out what I need to do on the NJ taxes. Just to check, however, can I post tthis ...
2 messages
NJ tax
I didn't get a response from another e-mail I sent, but I think I figure out what I need to do on the NJ taxes. Just to check, however, can I post tthis to Ira or anyone else who more knowledgeable. I ran the Member ...
2 messages
AIRR for a stock includes its dividends?
Hi, I have the impression that the computation of AIRR for an individual stock includes the dividends (if any) the stock has paid. But I don't see this explicitly stated in the Help for AIRR or at "The Number" file Is my impression correct? ...
2 messages
MD Tax filing
Can any of you who know so much more than I tell me if I have to file Maryland form 510 for the club? The Federal is simple with bivio and account synch. MD 510 is only an informational form and I am not sure ...
1 message