YUM split
I'm sorry it's taken so long to answer, but after I mailed
the e-mail I found out my sister is dying of cancer.

To answer your questions.
1. Yes, our shares are combined in Bivio. Our original YUM
shares were a spinoff from Pepsi and we had these as a DRIP.
We bought 3 shares through Scottrade in 2005, but they were
not DRIPS. On 6/27/07 Account Sync credited our SoCalFem
account with 3 shares, making it a total of 6 held by
This month I received a statement from YUM. We were credited
with 58.640 shares (split 2-1) on 6/26/07. We should have a
total of 118.260 as of 11-02-07.
I would appreciate your help.
Charlotte Lindner writes:
> I'm sorry it's taken so long to answer, but after I mailed
> the e-mail I found out my sister is dying of cancer.
> cigarettes

I'm very sorry to hear that. Please accept my sympathies.

I've forwarded your message to so they can help you.
Your request is too detailed to handle on a public list without
violating our privacy policy.

Hi Charlotte,
I have been out of town, but I see that Rob has answered you, suggesting that you wait and get recommendations from support. That's always a good idea, but since you seem to be responding to a post of mine, I thought I would try to answer you here.
As I understand it, you had 61.640 shares of YUM at the time of the 2 for 1 split, 3 with a broker and 58.640 in a drip. bivio's accountsync credited you with 3 in the stock split for the shares that you had with the broker. I would think that you should delete the accountsync entry for 3 additional shares, and go ahead and process a 2 fo 1 split as of 6/26/07. This ought to take care of the problem, if I understand it correctly.

Rip West
Saint Paul, MN

----- Original Message -----
From: Charlotte Lindner
Sent: Wednesday, November 21, 2007 3:45 PM
Subject: club_cafe: Re: YUM split

I'm sorry it's taken so long to answer, but after I mailed
the e-mail I found out my sister is dying of cancer.

To answer your questions.
1.  Yes, our shares are combined in Bivio. Our original YUM
shares were a spinoff from Pepsi and we had these as a DRIP.
We bought 3 shares through Scottrade in 2005, but they were
not DRIPS. On 6/27/07 Account Sync credited our SoCalFem
account with 3 shares, making it a total of 6 held by
This month I received a statement from YUM. We were credited
with 58.640 shares (split 2-1) on 6/26/07.  We should have a
total of 118.260 as of 11-02-07.
I would appreciate your help.
I am not sure why I received this note from you and Charlotte Lindner. I wrote to the club cafe about REITs and accounting.
Patsy Hagen

Rob Nagler <> wrote:
Charlotte Lindner writes:
> I'm sorry it's taken so long to answer, but after I mailed
> the e-mail I found out my sister is dying of cancer.
> cigarettes

I'm very sorry to hear that. Please accept my sympathies.

I've forwarded your message to so they can help you.
Your request is too detailed to handle on a public list without
violating our privacy policy.


Patsy, if you are signed on to Club Cafe, you will get copies of all postings through it.  Just delete those that you don't need, it is a good way to see answers to other problems that come up.   Gene Rooks, Orlando