I came looking for the K-1's and still are not here. Weren't they supposed to be ready by 2/6?
2 messages
Club of 12 members in Columbus Ohio looking for competition
We have a club consisting of 12 members and are looking for new ways to have some fun with it. We have kicked around a couple of ideas and thought that some friendly competition would be fun. We are hoping to find another club(s) similar ...
2 messages
i have been using bivio for almost a year. i am confused regarding the valuations. i do the books every month and value our investments before each meeting per our articles. when i checked the valuations for the year of 2008 it only shows 2 ...
4 messages
So we became a club a few days ago with everyone contributing the same amount to start ($240). We have one more member who wants to join but our stocks have already had some gains. If he contributes the same $240 he will actually have ...
4 messages
Paying out a resigning member
Help again! We are just over one year old and we have a member who wants out. We figured what it would cost and are trying to follow the guidelines of our Partnership Agreement. It came up at our last meeting that we should just ...
12 messages
Tax Forms
When?? in early February will tax forms be available?
3 messages
Confusion or early stage dementia
So when we enter the dollar amount that each member contributes (ie..payments) per month, those are converted into "units?". The more one contributes the more units are obtained? I'm feeling a little slow today..thanks for the help
3 messages
Dreaded Tax Time Question
Please help relieve the knots in my stomach! We started with bivio the beginning of '08. We have 11 members now. One joined this past summer. I have another member who wants out and that will probably happen in January. I have not done a ...
5 messages
MAC version of Take Stock?
Happy Holidays! Does anyone know of a MAC version of Take Stock? The technical support people at iClub, suggested using Stock Central. I want to have the same software as others in my Club. Thanks. Tosha
3 messages
Tax forms for 2008
Why is there a delay in having the tax forms delayed until early February? I understand that deadline for some 1099 has been moved to Feb 15th, but that shouldn't delay having the tax forms ready to go.
1 message
NY State Tax - time limit to respond to "Disagreement with Findings"?
I've recently filed a "Disagreement with Findings" letter with the NY State Dept. of Taxation & Finance. Does anyone know how much time the tax authority has to respond to this kind of filing? Is it 90 days or is there no limit? Thanks in ...
1 message
Editing member contribution for 2008
Help! One day I know this is going to run smoother, but I am in a bind with each member's contribution. I realized too late that I probably should have done the penny method, but I now need to correct some mistakes made last year. ...
3 messages
Changing the Partnership Agreement
We need to change a line in our club's Partnership Agreement and we have added two more partners since it has been signed. I would assume that if we add an admendment we will need to have everyone sign it. If that is so, then ...
4 messages
Our Brokerage Account Password changed, and our Bivio account hasn't updated since 12/11/08. I've reset everything up, but how can I get the unrecorded transactions bewteen 12/11/08 and now?
2 messages
Online Voting For Stock Selection
Please advise whether your club uses online voting to select stocks and whether this has worked well for the club. Also, if you would, please recommend online voting software or tools. Thanks in advance.
6 messages