bivio doesn't agree with TDAM 1099
I took the interview and immediately noticed that CNI was not listed under foreign tax paid.  We purchased it 12/5/2008 and it paid a dividend at the end of the year.  The TDAM 1099 lists a foreign tax paid to Canada of $2.83 and the transaction date is 12/31/08 but it doesn't show in the tax interview in bivio.  There are other discrepancies as well.  The interest income, dividends, and foreign tax paid do not agree between bivio and TDAM. 
The biggest error is in the LTCG for Starbucks.  We purchased SBUX originally in 1996 and bought and sold off and on until 2008 when we sold the final 250 shares.  I don't completely understand the transaction record in bivio but the final LTCG is a loss of $1610.65, while TDAM shows a gain of $3044.53.  I don't know how to reconcile the reports.  I tried looking for the history online, but TDAM will not let me go back far enough.  I
can call TDAM, but I am not sure what to ask them. 
The following stocks all have minor discrepancies; LEH, TGT, WAG.  I think the discrepancy comes from the fact that we received a dividend after we sold the stock.  We obviously don't make decisions based on the ex-div date.  TDAM lists the fractional shares sold on that date followed by a Wash Sale Adj which subtracts some fraction of the cost.
Thanks for the help,
Marcia Meltzer
Security Investment Now
I didn't see a reply to you here, but since you copied support on your original post, I assume they've resolved the issues to your satisfaction. If you still have questions, ask again.
Ira Smilovitz
In a message dated 02/15/09 14:06:44 Eastern Standard Time, writes:
I took the interview and immediately noticed that CNI was not listed under foreign tax paid.  We purchased it 12/5/2008 and it paid a dividend at the end of the year.  The TDAM 1099 lists a foreign tax paid to Canada of $2.83 and the transaction date is 12/31/08 but it doesn't show in the tax interview in bivio.  There are other discrepancies as well.  The interest income, dividends, and foreign tax paid do not agree between bivio and TDAM. 
The biggest error is in the LTCG for Starbucks.  We purchased SBUX originally in 1996 and bought and sold off and on until 2008 when we sold the final 250 shares.  I don't completely understand the transaction record in bivio but the final LTCG is a loss of $1610.65, while TDAM shows a gain of $3044.53.  I don't know how to reconcile the reports.  I tried looking for the history online, but TDAM will not let me go back far enough.  I
can call TDAM, but I am not sure what to ask them. 
The following stocks all have minor discrepancies; LEH, TGT, WAG.  I think the discrepancy comes from the fact that we received a dividend after we sold the stock.  We obviously don't make decisions based on the ex-div date.  TDAM lists the fractional shares sold on that date followed by a Wash Sale Adj which subtracts some fraction of the cost.
Thanks for the help,
Marcia Meltzer
Security Investment Now

Thanks for replying, Ira.  I had a long talk with Laurie and I think everything is resolved.  TDAM had given us the CNI dividend in 2008 but bivio put it in 2009.  I changed the date and that solved that problem.  The LTCG and STCG do not agree between TDAM and bivio, but I have been told that is not reported to IRS by TDAM and the bivio calculation is correct and can be proven.  It stems from our purchase of SBUX before we used TDAM.
Thanks for all your good advice in the club cafe.  I have used other wisdom from you.
----- Original Message -----
From: iras1
Sent: Monday, February 23, 2009 2:02 PM
Subject: Re: club_cafe: bivio doesn't agree with TDAM 1099

I didn't see a reply to you here, but since you copied support on your original post, I assume they've resolved the issues to your satisfaction. If you still have questions, ask again.
Ira Smilovitz
In a message dated 02/15/09 14:06:44 Eastern Standard Time, writes:
I took the interview and immediately noticed that CNI was not listed under foreign tax paid.  We purchased it 12/5/2008 and it paid a dividend at the end of the year.  The TDAM 1099 lists a foreign tax paid to Canada of $2.83 and the transaction date is 12/31/08 but it doesn't show in the tax interview in bivio.  There are other discrepancies as well.  The interest income, dividends, and foreign tax paid do not agree between bivio and TDAM. 
The biggest error is in the LTCG for Starbucks.  We purchased SBUX originally in 1996 and bought and sold off and on until 2008 when we sold the final 250 shares.  I don't completely understand the transaction record in bivio but the final LTCG is a loss of $1610.65, while TDAM shows a gain of $3044.53.  I don't know how to reconcile the reports.  I tried looking for the history online, but TDAM will not let me go back far enough.  I
can call TDAM, but I am not sure what to ask them. 
The following stocks all have minor discrepancies; LEH, TGT, WAG.  I think the discrepancy comes from the fact that we received a dividend after we sold the stock.  We obviously don't make decisions based on the ex-div date.  TDAM lists the fractional shares sold on that date followed by a Wash Sale Adj which subtracts some fraction of the cost.
Thanks for the help,
Marcia Meltzer
Security Investment Now

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