2009 dividends in 2008? 2008 in 2007?
Broker statement shows a $6 ETF dividend received 1/2/09 on our 2008 1099. Bivio doesn't show it in 2008 income. On the other hand: Bivio shows a $12 ETF dividend received 1/4/08 as 2008 income. Broker doesn't show it as 2008 income, must have been ...
5 messages
Address to mail and directions
Where do I find the directions as to which pages go with Fed and which copies go to State and do I mail to same IRS center as last year? Usually there is an address on the form. Probably right in front of me DUH ...
3 messages
Found it, but how did it happen?
Thanks for the input from all re: balance not jiving with Scottrade. For some reason, bivio did not pick up the deposits made in March of 08. My bad for not keeping track of it, (I was busy babysitting an investment club!) From the response ...
2 messages
Tax deduction for Bivio Payment
How and where do I enter the $99 the club paid to use Bivio? Thank you! Wilma
2 messages
Why Me?!
Bivio says, "The brokerage cash balance differs from the bivio balance by $ 1,043.05. This may indicate a missing or erroneous transaction in your bivio account. Please review your brokerage statement to identify the source of the discrepancy." Does bivio miss transactions frequently and how ...
5 messages
Elect out of subchapter k
Hi, I wondered if any clubs ever complete this election and then just use spreadsheet allocations going forward? JL
3 messages
Accrued Interest recorded by broker as Proceeds from Sale
Our 9-year old investment group recently moved to the bivio software -- with a Change Over date of 1/1/2008. With the super assistance of Laurie Federiksen, we've managed to get converted, except for one item. A payment of $25.53 on 1/11/08 from Chungwa Telecom (CHT) ...
5 messages
How to Tell Members Where to find a copy of their K-1
I have completed preparing the 1065 and K-1s and ticked the box "allow members to see their K-1". I now want to sent them an email telling them their K-1s are available. However, as Administrator of the site, I only can find the links to ...
2 messages
I'm trying to do taxes for 2008 and I get a message that states that I have unresolved 2008 account-sync entries which I do not have. Please advise on what is happening. Thanks!
2 messages
Saving Paperwork
How long should we save our paperwork such as our statements, tax forms and supporting documents? Do we need to keep everything until every one of our stocks (on that form) is sold?
3 messages
Return of Capital
We own a company (Energy Transfer Partners) that pays a quarterly amount listed as Return Of Capital. This is how we enter it in Bivio but this income does not show up on the tax returns. Is this correct. I also haven't seen anything from ...
3 messages
Incorrect 1065?
Can anyone give me an answer for why we have no dollar amounts on the first 3 pages of our 1065? All we had was dividends and interest for income and some expenses. In the income and deductions we have no amounts until page for ...
3 messages
Additional tax interview question added
We've updated the tax interview for 2008, adding additional questions about family relationships between club members. If your club has a group of related members which collectively own 50% or more of the club value, please retake the tax interview to update the appropriate information ...
1 message
Partial withdrawal and large remaining Tax Basis
Recently a partner made a 20k withdrawal. His tax basis only changed by about 4k. This means he has a huge tax basis left on our books but only a small capital value. Why doesn't the withdrawal pull more from his tax basis first? Is ...
2 messages
Tax Basis
Is there a report that can be run that supports the "Members Adjusted Basis" showing on the Withdrawal Report?
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