1099 2d 28% Rate Gain > Where on Schedule K?

We have a dividend paying mutual fund we did not sell any
shares for 2008.

Bivio wants to list $5059.65 as Ordinary Dividends on 1065
6a but I have learned that according to the Schedule 1099
this would not be accurate.

Can someone please advise to where the 1099 numbers should
go on the 1065. 2a and 2d are what I'm not sure about.

Schedule 1099
Total Ordinary Dividends 1a $3628.79

Total Capital Gains Distributions 2a $1430.86

28% Rate Gain 2d $1297.50

Thank you!
Contact Here's how your Schedule K should look if everything is entered correctly.
Box 6a, $3628.79
Box 9a $1430.86
Box 9b $1297.50
Part of what you will have to do is reenter each of your dividend distributions as part dividend and part long-term capital gain distribution. This information was probably provided to you in a supplementary statement with your 1099.
The harder part, and the reason I suggest contacting support, is how to get the 28% entered into box 9b on Schedule K and K-1. If nothing else, you can manually edit them into the finished tax return.
Ira Smilovitz
In a message dated 03/09/09 14:03:45 Eastern Daylight Time, writes:

We have a dividend paying mutual fund we did not sell any
shares for 2008.

Bivio wants to list $5059.65 as Ordinary Dividends on 1065
6a but I have learned that according to the Schedule 1099
this would not be accurate.

Can someone please advise to where the 1099 numbers should
go on the 1065.  2a and 2d are what I'm not sure about.

Schedule 1099
Total Ordinary Dividends 1a $3628.79

Total Capital Gains Distributions 2a $1430.86

28% Rate Gain 2d $1297.50

Thank you!

This is great thanks for taking the time to help!


iras1 wrote:
> Contact Here's how your Schedule K should look if everything is entered correctly.
> Box 6a, $3628.79
> Box 9a $1430.86
> Box 9b $1297.50
> Part of what you will have to do is reenter each of your dividend distributions as part dividend and part long-term capital gain distribution. This information was probably provided to you in a supplementary statement with your 1099.
> The harder part, and the reason I suggest contacting support, is how to get the 28% entered into box 9b on Schedule K and K-1. If nothing else, you can manually edit them into the finished tax return.
> Ira Smilovitz
> In a message dated 03/09/09 14:03:45 Eastern Daylight Time, writes:
> .aolmailheader {font-size:8pt; color:black; font-family:Arial}
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> Hello,
> We have a dividend paying mutual fund we did not sell any
> shares for 2008.
> Bivio wants to list $5059.65 as Ordinary Dividends on 1065
> 6a but I have learned that according to the Schedule 1099
> this would not be accurate.
> Can someone please advise to where the 1099 numbers should
> go on the 1065.  2a and 2d are what I'm not sure about.
> Schedule 1099
> Total Ordinary Dividends 1a $3628.79
> Total Capital Gains Distributions 2a $1430.86
> 28% Rate Gain 2d $1297.50
> Thank you!
> Shane
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