Filing State Returns for Club
We are new to Bivio this year and I was astonished to find
out that only the federal return is available and no state
returns. In the past we have had a CPA do our taxes and
were very excited to get Bivio thinking we would not need
the CPA any longer. How do most clubs get their state
return done for the partnership?? We would gladly pay extra
for this.
Take a look at last year's federal and state returns. Usually, it is a very simple matter to prepare the state return, once the federal is done. See if you can't tackle the job by hand.
Rip West
Saint Paul, MN
The degree of difficulty various with each state; but at
least here in Arizona, the state return is very easy to
complete manually and I would not pay extra for Bivio to do

The Dept of Revenue has the form on its website, which is a
fillable PDF form. I can type in the information from the
federal form (our club does not have any reason to make
adjustments) and print it to my local printer.

It is only about a 45 min hour job.

I suggest you check out the website of your state's dept of
revenue or equivalent. It should have on-line or
downloadable forms or a process to order paper ones.

Jack Ranby

Celia Brigman wrote:
> We are new to Bivio this year and I was astonished to find
> out that only the federal return is available and no state
> returns. In the past we have had a CPA do our taxes and
> were very excited to get Bivio thinking we would not need
> the CPA any longer. How do most clubs get their state
> return done for the partnership?? We would gladly pay extra
> for this.