sub accts
Hello Rip, Thanks for your comments, and I learned something. You are right about how we used I-Club's petty cash. I joined my group in 1998 but it was formed in 1994 so the CPA that was my mentor taught me to do the accounting ...
1 message
petty cash
Hello all, I would like to make a brief comment on what my club does with its petty cash and account (ours now is virtual, and I'll explain). I have read all the posts so am familiar with the current discussion and will not reference ...
2 messages
Petty cash
Our club has not had a petty cash fund, but would like to start one. I would like information on how to get started - What is the source of the money that goes into petty cash? Is there a standard amount that is usually ...
10 messages
Tax software dealing with options
Is there any tax software available from Bivio that allows the club to deal with the tax consequences of options buys, sells, exercises, and premiums?
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Prospective members and access to bivio
Is it recommended to give prospective members access to our bivio site - before they join? Thanks,
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removal of social security numbers
The members of our club are concerned about the security of our social security numbers. Is there a way to remove our SS numbers from our bivio site??? Elnora Hutchinson, treasurer, Bright Visions Investment Club,
14 messages
Unrecognized Member Payment
Has anyone had a member's check show up as an unidentified deposit? We use the penny method and have never had a check go unrecognized. Thanks all.
2 messages
State of Tennessee
We are forming an investment club and we are green as the spring grass. wondering if anyone knows what we need in the state of Tennessee to be legal. is there a site that list the requirments for each state. Thanks in Advance Dwayne W ...
4 messages
A couple questions to veteran clubs
Hello all, Kind of new to the scene with investing as a club, I have a few ?'s if anyone can help. -If a member decides to quit the club what is the best way to "cash out" that individual? - Do other groups find ...
5 messages
Member Performance
Does the Average Annual Return on the Member Performance page include the partner's share of club expenses? The detail page shows payments and fees but not expenses. John
2 messages
Expenses & Dues
What do people do about expenses and dues? Should we keep a seperate spread sheet? We do not want the expenses and dues used when figuring the valuation. I hope I'm explaining this correctly!
6 messages
Goodwill cash offer
A few months ago our club purchased some stocks which cost us 13 cents more then what we had in cash. TD Ameritrade credited our cash account the 13 cents to zero it out. Accountsync never did pick it up so we are out of ...
3 messages
club_cafe: How does your club deposit checks?
A FEW TYPOS ON THE PREVIOUS E-MAIL From: Arthur Klages [] Sent: Tuesday, April 14, 2009 1:42 PM To: 'The Club Cafe' Subject: RE: club_cafe: How does your club deposit checks? Good Morning... I guess that our club, the Senior Investment Club of Greensboro NC ...
1 message
How does your club deposit checks?
Hello, We just started a club and we are currently using Charles Schwab as our brokerage and currently having to manually deposit checks directly to the broker. You would think for 12.95 a trade they would be more club friendly. We were told by Charles ...
8 messages
club_cafe: How does your club deposit checks?
We use TDAmeritrade also, but since we make deposits quarterly and live near one of their offices, our treasurer (me) hand-delivers the checks, which are collected at the meeting prior to the deposit dates (January 1, April 1, July 1, and October 1). They provide ...
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