Walk me thru a simple withdraw
Hello everyone,

Any help would be appreciated. I need to withdraw a member
and here
is the facts.

Withdrawing member is owed 1,040 dollars minus a 3% fee.
Nine remaining members would like to equally contribute the
1,040 dollars, so we do not have to sell any shares. How
would this transaction be inputed into Bivio so that the
units would equally go to all nine members.

Thank you


The result you are seeking is achieved by entering two
unrelated transactions into bivio.

1. Each of the nine members contribute $112.10 (I rounded
up). Their payments are recorded using the same date for
valuation. That will result in all of them receiving the
same number of new units and raise $1008.90 in cash in the
club's treasury. (I will forego the discussion about how
maintaining equality is unnecessary.)

2. Enter the withdrawal of the member leaving with a 3% fee
(I will ignore the debate whether such fee is reasonable).
Based on your example, the $1040 less 3% is $1008.80.

Issue a check against the cash in the treasury.

Jack Ranby, Treasurer
Grants Partners Investment Club

Kevin Valade wrote:
> Hello everyone,
> Any help would be appreciated. I need to withdraw a member
> and here
> is the facts.
> Withdrawing member is owed 1,040 dollars minus a 3% fee.
> Nine remaining members would like to equally contribute the
> 1,040 dollars, so we do not have to sell any shares. How
> would this transaction be inputed into Bivio so that the
> units would equally go to all nine members.
> Thank you
> Kevin
Thank you for your time. I understand, we do not have to put
in equal amounts, nor does it matter. It just less money for
each to put up if we all throw in a little bit. I also
understand we could have sold stock, but the club as a whole
did not want to. Clear and simple the way you laid it out.
Again thank you for your time.

John W Ranby wrote:
> Kevin:
> The result you are seeking is achieved by entering two
> unrelated transactions into bivio.
> 1. Each of the nine members contribute $112.10 (I rounded
> up). Their payments are recorded using the same date for
> valuation. That will result in all of them receiving the
> same number of new units and raise $1008.90 in cash in the
> club's treasury. (I will forego the discussion about how
> maintaining equality is unnecessary.)
> 2. Enter the withdrawal of the member leaving with a 3% fee
> (I will ignore the debate whether such fee is reasonable).
> Based on your example, the $1040 less 3% is $1008.80.
> Issue a check against the cash in the treasury.
> Jack Ranby, Treasurer
> Grants Partners Investment Club
> Kevin Valade wrote:
> > Hello everyone,
> >
> > Any help would be appreciated. I need to withdraw a member
> > and here
> > is the facts.
> >
> > Withdrawing member is owed 1,040 dollars minus a 3% fee.
> > Nine remaining members would like to equally contribute the
> > 1,040 dollars, so we do not have to sell any shares. How
> > would this transaction be inputed into Bivio so that the
> > units would equally go to all nine members.
> >
> > Thank you
> >
> > Kevin