An Extra Special Treat on February 15
This month bivio and Manifest Investing bring you an extra special treat.

Many of us started our investment clubs after reading about the Beardstown Ladies. The idea of having fun and learning to invest with a group of friends really appealed to us. In the time since their book came out, a lot of people have learned a lot about investing because they took the time and effort to share their story.

The Beardstown Ladies club is still going strong and we are honored to feature their club portfolio during this month's Dashboard Diagnostics. Join in as Mark Robertson from Manifest Investing reviews and discusses their portfolio. We know it will be a unique opportunity and there will be a lot for everyone to learn both from Mark and from the Ladies themselves.

We hope you will be able to join us online at 8:30PM ET. The presentation is free and everyone is invited to attend. Register now at

Laurie Frederiksen
Invest with your friends!

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