Swarm Behavior
It's interesting to watch this: and think about the actions of investors in the stock market. For fish, it may be that the "Wisdom of crowds" comes from their swarm behavior. So as investors do we want to learn to be the fish and ...
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Sprint Softbank Reorganization
Any of you who owned Sprint when it was purchased by Softbank had several payment options offered by Softbank for your Sprint shares. The default, if you didn't choose something else, was to receive Cash and stock. We have made AccountSync entries which assume you ...
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We are looking to revise our by-laws and wondered if there were any good examples of what should be in them on the bivio web site or if any clubs had good, well written ones.
4 messages
It looks like over 6 percent of your investment clubs own or have owned ISRG. Anybody have any thoughts they'd like to share about them? Anybody have any experience with their robotic surgeries, either professionally or as a patient? They recently guided lower on sales ...
9 messages
Straight From The Horses Mouth
I listened to Ben Bernanke's press conference a week ago and I found what he said to be logical and not as all as dramatic or scary as the subsequent news headlines seemed to portray. As an investor, I find it extremely interesting and ...
8 messages
State Sales Tax Holidays
Looks like some of your states are giving you an opportunity to save a few extra dollars soon. Make it grow by contributing it to your investment club! Get Ready To Shop: State Sales Tax Holidays Are Back! Laurie Frederiksen Invest with your friends! ...
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I've never been too much of a Coke drinker and also never been in an investment club that invests in Coke (KO), but I really do like this ad campaign: Coca Cola Rewards Strangers for Smiling Back at Them Think it will help their sales? ...
3 messages
Tax question
Is there ever any hold up at tax time with companies that are "Partners". We are considering KMP but have been told it might be a problem and we do not want any problems at tax time. Are the rules different for that type of ...
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Transfering Shares
In June one of our members left our club. We decided to transfer shares of three different companies to him. The June Scottrade Statement shows the transfer but it has not synced to bivio. How do I record this transaction in bivio? We still owe ...
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Name Change on Stock
We had 100 Shares of NSWA Class A Com stock. As of July 1st, we have 100 shares of Twenty First Century Fox Inc Class A Com PLUS 25 shares of News Corporation Class A Com stock. How do I record that in Bivio?
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Sometimes you just have to laugh. Here is the top of the headline list for ISRG a few minutes ago: The second article also included this quote which I thought was priceless: "While I'm not advocating buying or selling Intuitive here, I think it's a ...
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The Mystery of the the Missing Cents
Those of you who have TDAmeritrade as your AccountSync broker have noticed in May and June that there was no entry made for your money market interest. Kudos to those who have noticed it. It's only usually a few cents, but it means you are ...
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Why Are You In An Investment Club?
1. To learn more about investing 2. To earn money 3. To socialize regularly with friends who share a common interest in investing. Butch Lang In a message dated 7/10/2013 9:43:12 A.M. Central Daylight Time, writes: I'm curious. How would you prioritize the three ...
2 messages
Why Are You In An Investment Club?
I'm curious. How would you prioritize the three items below as reasons you belong to an investment club? 1. To socialize regularly with friends who share a common interest in investing. 2. To earn money 3. To learn more about investing Laurie Frederiksen Invest with ...
16 messages
Stock Exchanges
As Oracle makes big news by switching its listing from the NASDAQ to the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE), your investment club members might like the opportunity to learn more about how stock exchanges work. As described here, New York Stock Exchange the NYSE is ...
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