Goodwill, Neogen (NEOG) and Risk
Hi Everyone, One of my clubs owns Neogen (NEOG) It's a great little Michigan company with a fascinating business. Wall Street thinks so also. They just came out with a great quarterly earnings announcement. I just looked and it's currently trading at a 44 P/E ...
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Investing is a long term journey into uncharted territory for most of us. Like other long term journeys, Investing can lead to experiences with failures. Failures can be disheartening. Your Investment club can lose focus on your long term goals and members can become discouraged. ...
12 messages
Securities and Exchange Commission Historical Website
I just found a reference to this and thought those of you who are history buffs, investing buffs or just curious about the history of financial regulation of the stock markets might also find this site interesting: Securities and Exchange Commission Historical Society The site ...
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Johnson & Johnson
Johnson &Johnson (NYSE: JNJ) is one of the most popular holdings of bivio investment clubs. Here is an excellent overview of the current state of their business by Trefis. It discusses the factors that might influence its stock price the most: Johnson & Johnson's Medical ...
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First Step In Researching A Company
One of the first things you should do when you start to look at a new stock to invest in is to make sure you know what their business is. An easy place to find this is often on the Investor Relations page on their ...
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More New Tickers!
Your requests continue to arrive so we've added more new Ticker Research Pages. If your club owns or is interested in these companies, here's a place with lots of links you can use to check them out: CNI - Canadian National DHR - Danaher ECOL ...
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You Never Know Where a Catalyst Will Come From
At my investment club meeting last night, the Microsoft(NASD: MSFT) stock watcher laid out some scenarios he felt might be potential catalysts to Microsofts stock price. But, as he emailed this morning, you never know where catalysts might come from. Looks like everyone is happy ...
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There are Earnings and There are Earnings
This is a good article by Jeff Matthews about something it is important that all of you have an awareness of. If you are making projections of future stock price based on earnings growth, make sure you understand what earnings number you are using to ...
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New Ticker Research Page!
Our new Ticker Research page is available for your investment club to use to research and follow stocks. Ticker Research The list currently includes pages for all the stocks on the top 50 bivio investment club holdings list, all the stocks currently held by the ...
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More Tickers!
More requests and more new ticker research pages for: SIVB-Silicon Valley Bank NEOG- Neogen WFM-Whole Foods YHOO-Yahoo Ticker Research Enjoy! Laurie Frederiksen Invest with your friends! Become our Facebook friend! Follow us on twitter! Follow Us on Google+ Click here to Subscribe ...
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Understanding Taxes
The IRS has a nice website with material for both teachers and students aimed at learning about taxes: Understanding Taxes If you have a young person in your life, it's a good place for them to get the basics of what they need to know ...
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A Partner is making a full withdrawal. I've read and sent most of the pertinent info I've found on the Cafe to the Partners. A few Partners do not believe the info I've copied below and want to see it in an IRS Pub. I've ...
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The SEC has a website focused on providing you, individual investors, with unbiased information about investing. You can find a brief video overview of it here: Welcome to There is a list of the topics they cover here: 10 Ways to Use If ...
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Ticker Research Page Updated With Your Requests
Your investment clubs asked for them so now you'll find research pages for: ABC-AmerisourceBergen BBY-Best Buy GSK-GlaxoSmithKline ZBRA-Zebra Tecnologies have just been added to our new Ticker Research page! Laurie Frederiksen Invest with your friends! Become our Facebook friend! Follow us on twitter! ...
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Partial Withdrawals
Dear Laurie, For the first time, my club wants to do a partial withdrawal. Can it be done with trasnfer of stock(s) or is it better to use cash only? Our partnership agreement allows stock transfer, but it there any disadvantage to the member receiving ...
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