Large withdrawals requested
Hello, everyone. You should have received two emails, one from Wanda and one from Pam requesting substantial withdrawals. Below is a good explanation for the options available for the club to disperse these requests. It is a complicated situation to transfer stock, but we must ...
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Partnership termination
I am looking for some guidance on liquidating and terminating our partnership. Does Bivio has some information on its website? I could not find anything. Just trying to make sure we do not forget anything, we are planning to make one distribution in 2023 and ...
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Retirement question
I have retired from the COA. I know that I can continue to contribute,A but how do I go about closing my account? Withdrawing funds and transferring funds as an Inkind investment? ThanksA for your help. Lee
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Member Withdrawals - payout options for your club. Jerry A. Dressel on 07/21/2000 Clubs often may have more options available to them in paying a withdrawing member than they first realize. The initial reaction of most clubs is to sell stock, increase member payments, or ...
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Partial Member Withdrawals - options available to your club
The tax implications of a partial withdrawal can be more complex than for a complete withdrawal, depending upon how the member is paid and the source of cash funds that are used. The initial reaction of most clubs is to sell stock, increase member payments, ...
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Re (2):
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Withdrawal Fee
We have a member withdrawal.A Have paid her and charged a $25.00 fee.A Now there is a discrepancy in the Bivio records of $25.00.A Where should we enter the $25.00? A Should this be a cash transfer to the club for buy and hold or ...
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Member Withdrawals - payout options for your club.
Clubs often may have more options available to them in paying a withdrawing member than they first realize. The initial reaction of most clubs is to sell stock, increase member payments, or simply use cash on hand to come up with enough cash to pay ...
2 messages
What Is This Unit-Based Accounting Stuff?
In my club, whenever I talk about unit values, members' eyes start to glaze over. Every member should have some idea of how unit values are calculated, but few do. At the risk of sending my readers to sleep, I will try one more time. ...
2 messages
Converting to a unit based system of club accounting
Fred Dickinson asks, How does a club go about converting to the unit based system of club accounting? Converting to the unit value system is an easy process with bivio. First, you should make this conversion immediately after closing your club books at year end. ...
2 messages
Tax Time Again - "How does a club go about getting the taxes done?"
Christine wrote I am the financial officer for the investment club I am in and I have no idea how to go about getting the taxes done. What form do I fill out? With few very limited exceptions, for Federal Tax purposes, an investment club ...
2 messages
Equal Allocation of Expenses
The is the second and last [well, we can all hope] article on the current status of fees and expenses for investment clubs. You can read the first in the series at Sorry, Gotta Talk About Fees Again In this article, we are going ...
2 messages
Club Expenses
How should we handle club expenses? What about deductible vs. non deductible expenses? Rip and I receive questions like these over and over again. It's not surprising. In the past in some situations it has been difficult, if not impossible, to account for club expenses ...
5 messages
So Long to trez_talk
This will be the last column of trez_talk, at least by Jerry and Rip. For reasons of our own, we are leaving bivio. It has been a very gratifying experience to watch the product start from scratch and become the premier investment club software on ...
4 messages
Member Withdrawal - Cash vs Stock
Jerry and I consistently recommend that clubs use appreciated stock in paying off departing members, even if the club has cash available. The reason for this is that using cash for partners' withdrawals can lead to prepayment of taxes if the club owns appreciated stocks. ...
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