I just checked the search feature on bivio. Have you ever done that? It's a very handy way to find everything written about a certain topic. I searched on the word, 'fee'. There were three pages of references, including a lot of help documents and ...
This is part of a continuing series on entering Spin-Offs and Mergers in bivio and NCA. EMC Corporation [EMC] spun off McData Corporation [MCDT] as of February 7, 2001. EMC shareholders were to receive .0368069 shares of McData for each share of EMC owned. The ...
A fellow bivio user recently asked Our club has two accounts: a bank account and a brokerage account. We also invest in DRIPs, directly with the companies. Should I create a third account to hold our DRIP transactions? Do I need to record each DRIP ...
A reader writes I imported our club's data after doing year end distributions in the NAIC club accounting and have printed the 1065 and K-1's. I noticed that on 4 members K-1 that the dividend , long term capital gain and misc inc/exp are different ...
Is Your Club Required to File a State Tax Return? We focus so much on the federal filing requirements for investment clubs (partnerships) it's easy to miss the fact that your club MAY be required to file a state partnership tax return. Not all states ...
Ruth asks a very good question . This last year, we had five members withdraw at, or around,the same time. The actual "bookkeeping function" was, of course, simple. The payout sum had been calculated; the members notified. Then came the wait! We had all DRPs ...
A bivio user recently asked What can you tell us about bivio and their tax reports?? bivio offers you a FREE and complete partnership tax return, including Form 1065, Form K-1 and all other required schedules. Your club tax return is created online by bivio ...
This is part of a continuing series on entering Spin-Offs and Mergers in bivio and NCA. Apogent Technologies InCorp. [AOT] spun off Sybron Dental Specialties[SYD] as of 12/11/2000. Apogent shareholders were to receive 1 share of Sybron for each 3 shares of Apogent owned. The ...
Here is a question that seems to come up a lot. It is a complicated subject, and I don't pretend to have all the answers. That being said, I will share my limited knowledge with you. I'm interested in starting a youth investment club overseas. ...
It's almost tax season again. Just about time to close out another year and move on to next year. But wait! Before you throw all those 1099's, bank & brokerage statements, and a copy of the club's tax return into a folder and forget about ...
A question about individual dues to NAIC has been raised. I have become the treasurer of a newly formed club and have a question about year-end distributions. At the first meeting in October, we all contributed $20 towards start-up fees (i.e. no valuation units distributed) ...
It's that time of year again, and here is a question that keeps cropping up. Since there is a limitation on deductibility of investment expenses, none of our partners will benefit by taking this deduction. Yet the tax basis of each partner's interest in the ...
A reader recently asked about screening stocks. My club has a portfolio of large cap stocks. We would like to add some small and mid cap stocks, but don't know how to find them. We've heard that marketguide.com can help, but I find their criteria ...
Some companies offering Dividend Reinvestment Plans (DRIP's) pay expenses such as commissions and fees on the behalf of plan participants. These commissions and fees, which are paid by the company, are considered by the IRS to be additional dividend income for your club in the ...
Direct from the Trez_Talk mailbox Three friends and I are going to start an investment club as of the new year(1/1/01). I am curios since I will be in charge of the club if we should actually start a club and file a tax return ...