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How do you transfer shares for departing member expediently?The subject says it all mostly. We have a member departing from our club. We have our account at E*Trade. The member set up an account at E*Trade also. We intend to transfer appreciated stock that is very close to the value of the members ...
Re: club_cafe: How do you transfer shares for departing member expediently?In a message dated 10/28/09 12:10:32 Eastern Daylight Time, writes: The subject says it all mostly. We have a member departing from our club. We have our account at E*Trade. The member set up an account at E*Trade also. We intend to transfer appreciated ...
Manifest Investing: Special OfferA number of you may have been aware of our 2-for-1 Black Friday sale ($89 for a two-year subscription) that concluded a couple of weeks ago. We want the bivio community to know that MANIFEST is offering a limited-time offer of $49/year for up to ...
Possibility of disolving a partnershipHi, We have had a General Partnership for just under 10 years. There is talk amongst the remaining members about dissolving the partnership and closing our Accounts with the bank and broker as well as with bivio. My question is, if our club dissolves in ...
RE: club_cafe: Fwd: bivio BulletinHi Ellen, Sorry for the confusion. The webinars this weekend are about auditing your club records. Making sure your records are correct is the most important part of tax preparation. The webinars in February are more specifically about doing final 1099 reconciliations and actually preparing, ...
RE: club_cafe: When to print Y/E reports?Dear Tom, As soon as you have received and done a final comparison of your records to your 1099's you are ready to take the tax interview and prepare, file and distribute your taxes. Laurie Frederiksen
Re: club_cafe: partnership disolvedNot exactly. You will report the capital gain/loss shown on your withdrawal report on Schedule D. You should still receive a final K-1 from the club. Amounts on the K-1 are reported in their usual locations. Ira Smilovitz Join me at Invest Ed 2010 Investor ...
Marvel / DisneyWas there a final answer on whether this merger was an 2009 or a 2010 event? What is the harm if we just change the date, in Bivio, to the 4th as per our broker so that it matches with their statement? Signed, Impatient treasurer
Re: club_cafe: Fidelkity InvestmentsI didn't see Vanguard on the AccountSync list. I'm looking for an AccountSync broker that does online stock trades, online transfers to and from our bank account, automatic dividend reinvestment, no annual or monthly maintenance fee and a relatively low trade fee. I'm open to ...
Re: MLP'sJan Liming wrote: (sorry, last post was garbage) So, if I understand this correctly, if we have a bivio ActivePartnership subscription there is no way to make manual entries in bivio to enter the information received on a MLP K-1 form? If that is the ...
Withdrawals and Your Partnership AgreementIn our treasurers training webinar last night about Non Monthly Treasurers Tasks, we discussed the information you will need from your partnership agreement to enter a withdrawal. It is: 1. Withdrawal valuation date a. What date will you use to establish what the member is ...
Re: Disbanding Clubit's not that I cannot but I don't want to do the manual work. So we are leaving our brokerage account open. Ditto for the Bivio account. I will file the final returns next year when all the forms are updated.
Re: What Should you Do with $200 per Month?Hi Ira and the rest of the Club Cafe, Leave it to Ira to find things that my reviewers didn't. I will get back to you with some info next week, but I am on tight deadlines this week. Sorry for the delay. B iras1 ...
Re: Member DeathI recommend you take Rip's advice to heart. Besides it being the easiest and legally safest for your partnership, it will be best for the widow. Even if she is in fact the final beneficiary of the estate assets (and you don't know that--depends on ...
Re: club_cafe: Withdrawing membersIt doesn't matter if you do the withdrawals before or after you do the taxes since they have no effect on the tax return. The withdrawals will be entered in 2011 and your withdrawing members will get their final K-1s showing their withdrawals in early ...