bivio Bulletin
I'm a little confused about this bulletin...

It says below that there are free webinars this weekend (January 30 and 31st) to understand bivio taxes, but when I click the link it lists tac prep webinars in february..

Are these two differen webinars? If so, how are they different?



Ellen Shershow Pena Photography

Begin forwarded message:

Date: January 28, 2010 2:26:11 PM PST
Subject: bivio Bulletin
Reply-To: bivio Customer Support <>

Audit Party
Birthday Contest
Club Cafe

  Audit Party Weekend

Question: What's the most important thing you need to do to prepare your club's taxes?
Answer: Make sure your bivio records are correct!

Join us as we work together the weekend of January 30 and 31 to help you do that. At three different times during the weekend we'll be presenting free webinars about how to do a club records audit. And.... we'll be available all weekend to answer any questions you have as you perform your audit.

It will probably take less time than you think and you're encouraged to have a party to celebrate when you're done!

1099's and the 2009 tax interview will be available in mid February. If your club's records have been audited, your treasurer will be able to quickly do a final reconciliation against the 1099's and prepare and distribute your club tax forms to you.

The webinar is free and open to all. Club treasurers and club members are both encouraged to attend. Register now at The Club Cafe.

  Birthday Contest

We're pleased so many of you are joining in to help us celebrate our 10th birthday by entering the bivio Birthday Contest. We love hearing about your club and how it is using bivio and we look forward to being able to celebrate with one of your clubs in person. There's still time to join in the fun. You have until February 15 to enter. We'll be announcing the prize winners March 1. Stay tuned!

  Club Cafe

There's always lots going on in the bivio club cafe. We will be offering tax webinars on February 7, 16 and 21 and another Getting Started with bivio webinar on March 6. Our bivio partner, ManifestInvesting, also invites all bivio club members to join in the monthly ManifestInvesting Challenge Club Meetings. You'll become a member of this virtual online bivio club and have Challenge Club Bucks invested in the club for every meeting you attend. The stock discussions are a great source of ideas for your own investing.

For more great stock discussions, your club is invited to submit it's portfolio for Mark Robertson to review in his monthly Dashboard Diagnostics series. The review can be done anonymously if you'd like. Mark is looking for clubs interested in some fresh ideas for a "portfolio makeover". Let him know your story and he may choose to review your club! If you'd like your club reviewed, email your story to Mark at

All club cafe events are free for bivio club members. You'll find registration details for all of them at Club Cafe

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Hi Ellen,

Sorry for the confusion.  The webinars this weekend are about auditing your

club records.  Making sure your records are correct is the most important

part of tax preparation.

The webinars in February are more specifically about doing final 1099 reconciliations

and actually preparing, distributing and filing your taxes.

       Laurie Frederiksen

       Invest with your friends!