Withdrawing members
Our Investment club has 3 withdrawing members as of the end
of December 2010. According to our partnership agreement, we
have 90 days to pay the leaving members. The valuation used
is to be the one on 12/31/2010 since our club valuation is
done for the last day of every month. The question we have
is about recording this information in Bivio. Do we enter
the withdrawals BEFORE or AFTER we do the taxes? Is there
going to be any problem if the valuation date for withdrawal
is IN 2010 and we pay the leaving members in 2011?
We are confused about this since our club did not have any
withdrawals for a number of years and the ones we did were
not at the end of the year.

Please Help....

Geetha Bala
It doesn't matter if you do the withdrawals before or after you do the taxes since they have no effect on the tax return. The withdrawals will be entered in 2011 and your withdrawing members will get their final K-1s showing their withdrawals in early 2012.
Ira Smilovitz
Join me at InvestEd 2011
Investor Education at Its BestTM
San Diego, CA May 13-15, 2011
In a message dated 01/31/11 12:49:41 Eastern Standard Time, writes:
Our Investment club has 3 withdrawing members as of the end
of December 2010. According to our partnership agreement, we
have 90 days to pay the leaving members. The valuation used
is to be the one on 12/31/2010 since our club valuation is
done for the last day of every month. The question we have
is about recording this information in Bivio. Do we enter
the withdrawals BEFORE or AFTER we do the taxes? Is there
going to be any problem if the valuation date for withdrawal
is IN 2010 and we pay the leaving members in 2011?
We are confused about this since our club did not have any
withdrawals for a number of years and the ones we did were
not at the end of the year.

> Our Investment club has 3 withdrawing members as of the end
> of December 2010. According to our partnership agreement, we
> have 90 days to pay the leaving members. The valuation used
> is to be the one on 12/31/2010 since our club valuation is
> done for the last day of every month.

Waiting 90 days to pay a withdrawing member can be pretty risky for the
club. Even if the club portfolio value drops dramatically between now and
March, the club will still owe the withdrawing member the amount determined
on Dec 31st. Theoretically, the club could owe more than the club is worth.

More typical is for a club to pay a withdrawing member within 10 days after
the withdrawal valuation date.

-Jim Thomas
I agree with both Ira and Jim. The withdrawals will be reflected in 2011, and you can proceed with your tax preparation. I see no reason to wait 90 days to pay the leaving members. You could transfer stock and get it done immediately. I would also recommend that, regardless of when you plan to make payment, you enter the withdrawals as of 1/1/2011, using the suspense account. Then, when you actually make the payment, you will enter a transfer from your regular cash account to your broker. Doing it this way, will stop the allocation of income and expense to these members, allocations that they will never experience, since their account will be frozen as of 12/31.
Rip West
Saint Paul, MN