Possibility of disolving a partnership

We have had a General Partnership for just under 10 years.
There is talk amongst the remaining members about dissolving
the partnership and closing our Accounts with the bank and
broker as well as with bivio. My question is, if our club
dissolves in this calendar year, will one of us still be
able to access 2010 tax records through bivio, or would we
need to pay the annual subscription fee at the end of this
year when it is due in order to access the reports and file
our final return?


Jaymie Bickford
OCDN Investments
Hi Jaymie,

We're sorry to hear your club is thinking about disbanding.

If you disband, your club needs to file taxes by the 15th day of the fourth month
following your termination. If this date is in 2010, you will file a "short form" using
the 2009 tax forms. The ability for your club to do that would be available beginning in
May 2009.

If your bivio subscription is still current when you need to file, you would be able to use bivio
prepare those taxes.

           Laurie Frederiksen